Dr. David Denkenberger co-founded and directs the Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED.info) and donates half his income to it. He received his B.S. from Penn State in Engineering Science, his masters from Princeton in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder in the Building Systems Program. His dissertation was on an expanded microchannel heat exchanger, which he patented. He is an associate professor at the University of Canterbury in mechanical engineering. He received the National Merit Scholarship, the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, is a Penn State distinguished alumnus, and is a registered professional engineer. He has authored or co-authored 143 publications (>4800 citations, >50,000 downloads, h-index = 36, second most prolific author in the existential/global catastrophic risk field), including the book Feeding Everyone no Matter What: Managing Food Security after Global Catastrophe. His food work has been featured in over 25 countries, over 300 articles, including Science, Vox, Business Insider, Wikipedia, Deutchlandfunk (German Public Radio online), Discovery Channel Online News, Gizmodo, Phys.org, and Science Daily. He has given interviews on 80,000 Hours podcast (here and here) and Estonian Public Radio, WGBH Radio, Boston, and WCAI Radio on Cape Cod, USA. He has given over 80 external presentations, including ones on food at Harvard University, MIT, Princeton University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Cornell University, University of California Los Angeles, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Sandia National Labs, Los Alamos National Lab, Imperial College, and University College London.
Referring potential volunteers, workers, board members and donors to ALLFED.
Being effective in academia, balancing direct work and earning to give, time management.
Minor point, but I’ve seen big tent EA as referring to applying effectiveness techniques on any charity. Then maybe broad current EA causes could be called the middle-sized tent. Then just GCR/longtermism could be called the small tent (which 80k already largely pivoted to years ago, at least considering their impact multipliers). Then just AI could be the very small tent.
Thanks for the thoughtful response!
As soon as I have money to save, I am going to hedge against job automation by investing in AGI stock. This will offer better financial protection compared to holding cash.
(Not investment advice) sounds reasonable, though some diversification may be prudent. There was an interesting discussion on LessWrong here.
A few of us at ALLFED (myself, @jamesmulhall, and others) have been thinking about response planning for essential (vital) workers in extreme pandemics. Our impression is that there's a reasonable chance we will not be prepared for an extreme pandemic if it happens, so we should have back-up plans in place to keep basic services functioning and prevent collapse. We think this is probably a neglected area that more people should be working on, and we're interested in whether others think this is likely to be a high-impact topic. We decided to compare it to a standard and evidence-backed intervention to protect the vital workforce that is receiving funding from EA — stockpiling of pandemic proof PPE (P4E).
We asked Squiggle AI to create two cost-effectiveness analyses comparing stockpiling P4E vs research and planning to rapidly scale up after the outbreak transmission-reducing interventions (e.g. UV) to keep essential workers safe. Given the additional costs of both interventions could be significantly lowered by influencing funding governments have already allocated to stockpiling/response planning, we ran the model with (linked here) and without a message (linked here) to only consider the costs of philanthropic funding.
Summary result:
Create a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing two interventions to keep US essential workers safe in a pandemic with extremely high transmissibility and fatality rates. Assess the interventions on the probability they are successful at preventing the collapse of civilization. Only include money spent before the pandemic happens as there will be plenty of money available for implementation after it starts.
1: Stockpiling elastomeric half mask respirators and PAPRs before the extreme pandemic.
2: Researching and planning to scale up transmission reduction interventions rapidly after the pandemic starts, including workplace adaptations, indoor air quality interventions (germicidal UV, in-room filtration, ventilation), isolation of workers in on-site housing, and contingency measures for providing basic needs if infrastructure fails.
- narrative and explanations of the logic behind all of the numbers used
- ranges of costs for the two options
- ranges of effectiveness for the two options
- cost-effectiveness for the two options
- mean and median ratios of cost effectiveness of planning vs stockpiling
- distribution plots of the cost effectiveness of planning vs stockpiling
Optional message:
Important: only account for philanthropic funding costs to make these interventions happen. Assume that governments already have pandemic preparedness funding allocated for stockpiles and response planning. This may reduce philanthropic costs if stockpiling interventions can redirect government purchases from disposable masks to more protective elastomeric respirators/PAPRs or if research and planning interventions can add their recommendations to existing government frameworks to prepare essential industries for disasters.
I found these visualizations very helpful! I think of AGI as the top of your HLAI section: human level in all tasks. Life 3.0 claimed that just being superhuman at AI coding would become super risky (recursive self improvement (RSI)). But it seems to me it would need to be ~human level at some other tasks as well like planning and deception to be super risky. Still, that could be relatively narrow overall.
Instead of framing priorities this way, I believe it would be valuable for more people to adopt a mindset that assumes transformative AI is likely coming and asks: What should we work on in light of that?
For climate change, I think it means focusing on the catastrophes that could plausibly happen in the next couple decades, such as coincident extreme weather on multiple continents or the collapse of the sub polar gyre. So adaptation becomes relatively more important than emissions reductions. Since AI probably makes nuclear conflict and engineered pandemic more likely, the importance of these fields may still be similar, but you would likely move away from long payoff actions like field building and maybe some things that are likely to take a long time, such as major arsenal reductions or wide adoption of germicidal UV or enhanced air filtration. Instead, one might focus on trying to reduce the chance of nuclear war, especially given AI-enabled systems or AI-induced tensions, or increasing resilience to nuclear war. On the pandemic side, of course reducing the risk that AI enables pandemics, but also near-term actions that could have a significant impact like early warning for pandemics or rapid scale up of resilience post outbreak.
By disclosing the risks of mirror bacteria, there is finally a concrete example to discuss, which could be helpful even for people who are actually even more worried about, say, infohazardous-bioengineering-technique-#5, than they are about mirror life. Just being able to use mirror life as an example seems like it's much healthier than having zero concrete examples and everything shrouded in secrecy.
I think it's true that a lot of topics are not discussed because of concerns about info hazard. But I do think we already had some concrete examples, such as some hotly debated gain of function cases, considering the possibility of something as infectious as measles but as fatal as rabies, or Myxomatosis killing 99% of rabbits.
I like how comprehensive this is.
Note that a one in a millennium eruption together with a once in a century plague, like the Plague of Justinian still wasn’t enough to cause existential risk (humans aren’t extinct yet), though the ensuing little ice age could arguably be categorized as a catastrophic risk.
Minor, but existential risk includes more than extinction. So it could be "humans haven't undergone an unrecoverable collapse yet (or some other way of losing future potential)."
I was referring to this earlier academic article. I've also heard of discussion along a similar vein in the early days of EA.