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As a (now ex-) UChicago organizer and current Organizer Support Program mentor (though this is all in my personal capacity), I share Noah's concerns here.

I see how reasonable actors in 80k's shoes could come to the conclusions they came to, but I think this is a net loss for university groups, which disappoints me — I think university groups are some of the best grounds we have to motivate talented young people to devote their careers to improving the world, and I think the best way to do this is by staying principles-first and building a community around the core ideas of scope sensitivity, scout mindset, impartiality, and recognition of tradeoffs.

I know 80k isn't disavowing these principles, but the pivot does mean 80k is de-emphasizing them.

All this makes me think that 80k will be much less useful to university groups, because it

a) makes it much tougher for us to recommend 80k to interested intro fellows (personalized advising, even if it's infrequently granted, is a powerful carrot, and the exercises you have to complete to finish the advising are also very useful), and b) means that university groups will have to find a new advising source for their fresh members who haven't picked a cause-area yet.

You might also enjoy https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/papers/absolutism.pdf and the papers it cites (especially the Jackson + Smith one). I'm sure there's more, but this is what I have off the top of my head!

Answer by henryj9

You might like MacAskill and Morgansen's 2021 paper addressing this very question! I'd suggest actually reading the paper, but the tldr is that they agree with you, to a point — they don't conclude that this proves "existence is immoral" but rather that traditional deontological ethics may need significant revision to handle the reality of butterfly effects and indirect harms.

JamesÖz's post explaining that the default trajectory for animal welfare is far worse than the default trajectory for global health.

I think this paragraph from the linked article captures the gist:

Near the end of most episodes, Tyler asks some version of this question to his guests: "What is your production function?". For those without an economics background, a "production function" is a mathematical equation that explains how to get outputs from inputs. For example, the relationship between the weather in Florida and the number of oranges produced could be explained by a production function. In this case, Tyler is tongue-in-cheek asking his guests what factors drive their success.

Not to anchor Singer too much, but it looks like other people seem to say things like "saying yes to new experiences," "reading a lot," and "being disciplined."

As I write this comment, the post has negative karma, but nobody seems to have explained why they disagree with the post. I haven’t made my mind up on this yet, and I’d love to hear from the people who push back on this (e.g. the people who are downvoting it).

Yeah, I'm really bullish on data privacy being an effective hook for realistic AI regulation, especially in CA. I think that, if done right, it could be the best option for producing a CA effect for AI. That'll be a section of my report :)

Funnily enough, I'm talking to state legislators from NY and IL next week (each for a different reason, both for reasons completely unrelated to my project). I'll bring this up.

Just as a caveat, this is me speculating and isn't really what I've been looking into (my past few months have been more "would it produce regulatory diffusion if CA did this?"). With that said, the location in which the product is being produced doesn't really effect whether regulating that product produces regulatory diffusion -- Anu Bradford's criteria are market size, regulatory capacity, stringent standards, inelastic targets, and non-divisibility of production. I haven't seriously looked into it, but I think that, even if all US AI research magically switched to, say, New York, none of those five factors would change for CA (though I do think any CA regulation merely targeting "systems being produced in CA" would be ineffective for a similar reason -- with remote work being more and more acceptable and the fact that, maybe aside from OpenAI, all these companies have myriad offices outside CA, AI production would be too elastic). In this hypothetical, though, CA still has huge consumer market (both inre: individuals and corporations --  >10% of 2021's Fortune 500 list is based in CA), it still has more regulatory capacity and stricter regulations than any other US state, and I think that certain components of AI production (e.g. massive datasets, the models themselves) are  inelastic and non-divisible enough that CA regulation could still produce regulatory diffusion. 

When it comes to why the presence of AI innovation in California makes potential California AI regulation more important, I imagine it being similar to your second suggestion, that "CA regulation is particularly likely to affect the norms of frontier AI companies," though I don't necessarily think awareness is the right vehicle for that change. After all, my intuition is that any company within an order of magnitude or two of Google or Meta would have somebody on staff whose job it is to stay abreast of regulation that affects them. I'm far from certain about it, but if I had to put it in words, I'd say that CA regulation could affect the norms of the field more broadly because of California's unique position at the center of technology and innovation. 

To use  American stereotypes as analogies, CA enacting AI regulations would feel to me like West Virginia suddenly enacting landmark coal regulation, or Iowa suddenly doing the same with corn. It seems much bigger than New Jersey regulating coal or Maine regulating corn, and it seems to me that WV wouldn't regulate coal unless it was especially important to do so. (This is a flawed analogy, though, since coal/corn is bigger for WV/IA than AI is for CA.) 
Either way, if California, the state which most likely stands to reap the greatest share of AI profits, home to Berkeley and Stanford and the most AI innovation in the US (maybe in the world? don't quote me on that) were to regulate AI, it would send an unmistakable signal about just how important they think that regulation is. 

Do you think that makes sense?

Great work! I think this is a really important report -- especially with so many regulatory entities only recently starting to put AI regulations into writing (I'm not at my computer right now, but a few that come to mind are the US's NIST and the British Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport), it's really important that we get these regulations right.

Also, I'm currently working on a paper/forum post looking into which legislative pathways could produce a California Effect for AI, with a first draft (hopefully) finished in a week or so. Without giving too much away from that, it feels to me as though California can have a disproportionately-large effect on AI, not only because of a state-to-state or state-to-federal CA effect (which would still be huge), but also because a disproportionate amount of cutting-edge AI work (Google, Meta, OpenAI, etc) is happening in California. 

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