
3 karmaJoined


Hi everyone,

Firstly, thanks to 80,000 hours for your inspiring work!

I'm writing to seek some advice on making a career change.

Currently, I'm a teacher of English as a foreign language and while I enjoy learning about and working with people of others cultures, sharing knowledge and helping students I feel I need a greater intellectual challenge, to develop new profesional skills and I feel that my efforts are not as fruitful as I'd like.

I'm considering returning to study after 8 years and doing a post-grad. My educatiom background is a BA in Hispanic Studies and I'm drawn to an MSc in International Development.

The questions I'd like to ask are:

  1. does this seem like an effective transition into a new and more impactful career?
  2. what skills should I learn and/or what experience should I try to gain in the meantime?
  3. should I focus first on finding more fulfilling roles within my organisation, which has some affiliations with charities such as UNICEF?

Thanks for reading!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the inspiration 80,000 hours!

I'm currently a teacher of English as a foreign language and while I enjoy working with and learning about people of different cultures, imparting knowledge and the element of doing something meaningful, I feel I need a greater intellectual challenge and a job that allows me to make a difference on a larger scale.

My education background is in humanities /arts ( BA in Hispanic studies).

I'm drawn now to post-graduate study, after 8 years of working, and think that International Development could be an effective path for me to utilise my laguage skills, experience int he education sector, keen interest in global health whilst also gaining new skills in research, project management etc.

My questions to the community are:

  1. Do you think this is an effective career transition based on my previous knowledge and experience?

2)what skills should I focus on developing and /or what experience should I try to gain in the meantime?

  1. should I try to find more fulfilling roles within my organisation first (they are have some affiliations with charities such as UNICEF)?

Thank you for taking the time to read this far! Any suggestions would be greatly received.