Hi - I'm Mira. I got into vegan activism a few years ago where I met many utilitarians and effective altruists - I realized that my current activism wasn't the highest impact way of driving change. I originally assumed that the reason people were disregarding the interests of other sentient life was because they had never been shown the conditions in factory farming, and that they would change instantly if only they knew. Then through activism I realized that people can know all of the arguements for veganism, can agree with vegans and yet not change and not be able to justify it. As soon as I realized raising awareness wouldn't be enough - i thought of other more effective strategies. A friend who attended EA meetings told me that one tactic they'd discussed was to earn money in an unrelated field - to then donate that money. So now I'm pursuing a career as a chief in marine engineering. The job is high earning, with food and accommodation covered and little to no tax - i will also be travelling the world and have 6 months consecutive months off in a year when I'm not at sea. In that 6 months i would like to devote my time to studies in other fields - like politics, (i eventually hope to stop the government from funding animal agriculture through subsidies). Animal agriculture is so inefficient as an industry it cannot survive without billions (72 billion in the USA) in subsidies - so it would likely collapse if that funding stopped.
If anyone reading this is not familiar with veganism here's some info:
My efforts right now are in veganism as i think it will help with so many other issues that it is the most effective problem to work on at the moment. That said, I'm also planning on studying AI in the near future, as its very possible we'll reach AGI soon. I think it also opens up opportunities for new areas of study - there seems to be a strong link between neuropsychology and AI neural networks, i think combining the two could help us understand both subjects better.
Interested to hear your thoughts - thanks!
Thank you!
I'm really glad I found this forum - so many interesting posts here! Since I'm fairly new to EA, is there anything you can recommend to start off with, to be more involved with the community?
I was also wondering if there were any learning resources? I'm in a technical program that only teaches industry specific things, and it feels a bit limiting in some ways. I'd love to learn more about moral philosophy and the different subjects EA focuses on.