Hey @Daniel_Friedrich, great efforts and updates, the v2 worked great for me.
The first GPT link shows a blank page for me, can you check/update/clean it? It seems, perhaps, you've posted your private editing page link instead of the publicly usable link?
For your second point, you should skeptically expect their publishings/influence to be corrupted easily as the information they'd put out would be very connected to their investing alpha.
The corruption could take the form of omission of key details, under-hyping stuff in which they were unable to get exposure(/investment) and biases like that.
If anyone is about to train some AI on that or do a similar batch processing, the pages can be pulled from here: https://github.com/Felicifia/felicifia.github.io/blob/master
Personally, walking through those is hearth-warming, so many OGs!^^
That makes sense, but https://chat.openai.com/ and https://openai.com/blog seems like a different (sub)domain and still weird the first one appears in results.-|
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