
19 karmaJoined Dec 2018


Software developer who wants to do as much good in the world as possible. MSc degree in Software Engineering.


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Great post. I've been thinking and reading a bit about saving vs donating over the last couple of months and more or less came to the same conclusion. If you don't have any substantial savings; it is most likely best to save first and donate later, for the reasons you listed.

Personally I live relatively frugally which enables me to both save 10 % and donate 10 % of my income, and while I believe the overwhelming majority of people in "rich" countries are also able to do this, people are just too used to unnecessarily expensive standards that it is not a viable pitch to have. Having donate 1 % and save 10 % as an introductory pitch makes sense to me.

I also recommend MrMoneyMoustache's blog, which GeorgeBridgwater already linked to in a previous comment.