
Geophysical Engineer
9 karmaJoined Pursuing an undergraduate degree


Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Let me address your points:

  • The data can be downloaded from the bottom right corner, although I recognize that the structure needs to be improved to make it easier to access.
  • Yes, the data is at the country level, and in many cases, there is missing data for certain countries. I hope to improve the quality and availability of the information in the coming weeks.
  • I understand that the interface might be confusing at the moment, and I appreciate your observation. I’ll take this into account to optimize the functionality and clarity.
  • Regarding the additional layers with other variables, I’ve decided not to incorporate them until I have a professional review to ensure that no incorrect information is displayed.

Once again, thank you very much for your feedback. I’ll keep it in mind to continue improving the project.