
-21 karmaJoined Dec 2022


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Yes, the post is generated by ChatGPT.
It was my first attempt of such a post. I am curious how the community reacts to  articles like this. Would you generally say that text generated by ChatGPT would not add much value to the forum (as this one) or do you see possible ways how CHatGPT can be useful in this context (like asking it to add examples)? 
I would love to hear your opinion on this as I would like to further experiment with ChatGPT.

Thank you everybody for your feedback.
As some of you already noticed this was a text generated by ChatGPT.  I was interested in how the community would react to this kind of post. 
I chose the topic of complexity science as  it has a little presents in the community and could inspire people to further look into it.  
I would like to further experiment with ChatGPT and how it could add value to EA.
This firtst attempt seemd to have not added much value and I would love to hear from you why you think that is and what that means for the future implementation of ChatGPT.