Oscar Sykes

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They all convincingly answer questions that have been the focus of debate in empirical economics for decades.


I would not say this is true of the medical debt RCT. I think it tells us very little about situations where people have more normal types of debt and actually expect to repay it

I like Eliezer's tweet on this

Thanks for writing this. I found it really moving and admire your perseverance throughout the process

My impression is both that Rethink pays pretty decent salaries and that you guys find hiring additional researchers quite easy. Have you guys considered lowering your salaries? I know there are practical considerations that make this hard to do in the short-term but you could, say, offer lower salaries to new staff and give existing staff lower pay rises which would lower your staff costs over the medium term

Thanks so much, this is super informative. 

Do you know if the price premium for potassium chloride is due to some fundamental thing? Or is it just because it is a smaller market and could have the potential to significantly decline in price if it became more popular?