Philip Hall Andersen

137 karmaJoined


My apologies, thanks for clarifying! I like the concept of a course with interactive learning activities and optional supplementary discussions. Is the course currently openly accessible to have a look at without signing up and getting accepted? I have a sense that it might increase enrollment rates to let users explore the curriculum in more detail before signing up, either by allowing users to test the course itself or by adding a more detailed curriculum description to the sign-up page. 

I also gravitate toward letting users complete the course without signing up, if that's possible on your software system, but still reserving discussions and certificates for attendees who apply and get accepted. A five-minute form seems like quite a big barrier to entry, especially when users don't know exactly what they are signing up for.

I'm glad to hear that! I would have liked to include a wider range of EA-related courses in the initial project, but I am still happy to provide feedback on more courses individually. We could try to find a time to talk sometime soon if you're interested. 

It seems like there are quite a few EA courses/programs following similar structures as the Virtual Programs by CEA,  i.e. weekly reading lists + discussion meetings. I think most of these courses would end up with similar results using the evaluation framework in this project, this may also apply to AAC's course from the looks of it.

I've also been in contact with a few other course designers lately, and I'm very keen on coordinating with more course projects to discuss ideas and avoid redundant work. I think many of these course projects will face similar challenges and decisions going forward, e.g. how to scale with increasing enrollment, and what software systems to use. Maybe we should set up a Slack workspace or another communication platform for course designers unless it already exists.

Here are the quantitative goals we set for EA University of Bergen for the coming semester (our second active semester):

  • Info-meeting with at least 20 attendees
  • Average attendee count of at least 15 members for introductory fellowships
  • A cabin trip with at least 15 members
  • Trip to EAGx Berlin with at least 10 members
  • Collect at least 100 emails while tabling at the campus to send information about the introductory fellowship
  • Interviews with at least 20 potential new members
  • 2 small monthly social events with at least 8 attendees
  • Influence at least 10 members to apply for career coaching at 80K, Effective Thesis or EA Norway
  • Organize at least 2 presentations with external speakers (e.g. professors or researchers)
  • At least 15 EA-related books completely read by our members

I am uncertain about which of these goals are the most important, but I presume that the goals related to influencing members to choose high-impact careers are the most valuable to aim for (e.g. making people apply for 80K coaching).

You may also find this article useful (aimed at student groups, but still relevant for city groups):