Isidor Regenfuß

68 karmaJoined Oct 2021


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Hello everyone!

I'm already sitting inside, in the back right corner from the view of entering. I'm wearing a black t-shirt with the EA logo and sitting at my laptop.

Tell the person at the entrance that you're at the same table as "Regenfuss", if they want to know why you're here :-)



I just realized I'd deleted the twitter thread with the original response to the Hanson/EA Munich affair a year ago when I deleted my twitter because I was getting addicted to it, here is a link to the archived version that luckily got preserved if anyone wants to update a link in a post. Sorry for that, I hadn't thought of it.

(More for archival purposes than anything else)

this was one of their first events?

This is definitely not the case, the record of events for EA Munich goes back to May 2018, and I'm pretty sure the group got founded in 2015/2016 (although at the time of the decision, only a few of the original founding members were still involved).