All of Ryan Kidd's Comments + Replies

Answer by Ryan KiddMar 21, 202410

MATS is now hiring for three roles!

  • Program Generalist (London) (1 hire, starting ASAP);
  • Community Manager (Berkeley) (1 hire, starting Jun 3);
  • Research Manager (Berkeley) (1-3 hires, starting Jun 3).

We are generally looking for candidates who:

  • Are excited to work in a fast-paced environment and are comfortable switching responsibilities and projects as the needs of MATS change;
  • Want to help the team with high-level strategy;
  • Are self-motivated and can take on new responsibilities within MATS over time; and
  • Care about what is best for the long-term future, indepe
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Thanks for publishing this, Arb! I have some thoughts, mostly pertaining to MATS:

  1. MATS believes a large part of our impact comes via accelerating researchers who might still enter AI safety, but would otherwise take significantly longer to spin up as competent researchers, rather than converting people into AIS researchers. MATS highly recommends that applicants have already completed AI Safety Fundamentals and most of our applicants come from personal recommendations or AISF alumni (though we are considering better targeted advertising to professional engi
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Linda Linsefors
Thanks for this comment. To me this highlights how AISC is very much not like MATS. We're very different programs doing very different things. MATS and AISC are both AI safety upskilling programs, but we are using different resources to help different people with different aspects of their journey.  I can't say where AISC falls in the talent pipeline model, because that's not how the world actually work.  AISC participants have obviously heard about AI safety, since they would not have found us otherwise. But other than that, people are all over the place in where they are on their journey, and that's ok. This is actually more a help than a hindrance for AISC projects. Some people have participate in more than one AISC. One of last years research leads are a participants in one of this years projects. This don't mean they are moving backwards in their journey, this is them lending their expertise to a project that could use it. This seems correct to me for MATS, and even if I disagreed you should trust Ryan over me. However this is very much not a correct counterfactual for AISC. This seems correct. I don't know exactly the cost of MATS, but assuming the majority of the cost is stipends, then giving this money to MATS scrollas with all the MATS support seems just straight up better, even with some overhead cost for the organisers. I'm less sure about how MATS compare to funding researchers in lower cost locations than SF Bay and London.  I'm not so sure about this, but if true then this is an argument for funnelling more money to both MATS and AISC and other upskilling programs.  I agree that it's hard to attribute value when someone done more than one program. They way we asked Arb to adress this is by just asking people. This will be in their second report. I also don't know the result of this yet. I don't think programs should be evaluated based on how well they achieve their role in the pipeline, since I reject this framework. We already have some estab
Linda Linsefors
I don't like this funnel model, or any other funnel model I've seen. It's not wrong exactly, but it misses so much, that it's often more harmfull than helpful.  For example: * If you actually talk to people their story is not this linear, and that is important.  * The picture make it looks like AISC, MATS, etc are interchangeable, or just different quality versions of the same thing. This is very far from the truth.  I don't have a nice looking replacement for the funnel. If had a nice clean model like this, it would probably be as bad. The real world is just very messy.
This is insightful, thanks!
Sam Holton
Thanks for writing this, its great to hear your thoughts on talent pipelines in AIS. I agree with your model of AISC, MATS and your diagram of talent pipelines. I generally see MATS as a "next step" after AISC for many participants. Because of that, its true that we can't cleanly compare the cost-per-researcher-produced between programs at different points in the pipeline since they are complements rather than substitutes.  A funder would have to consider how to distribute funding between these options (e.g. conversion vs. acceleration) and that's something I'm hoping to model mathematically at some point.  Good idea, this could be a valuable follow-up analysis. To give this a proper treatment, we would need a model for how students and mentors interact to (say) produce more research and estimate how much they compliment each other.  In general, we assumed that impacts were negligible if we couldn't model or measure them well in order to get a more conservative estimate. But hopefully we can build the capacity to consider these things!

Cheers, Nick! We decided to change the title to "retrospective" based on this and some LessWrong comments.

Answer by Ryan KiddNov 15, 202321

TL;DR: MATS could support another 10-15 scholars at $21k/scholar with seven more high-impact mentors (Anthropic, DeepMind, Apollo, CHAI, CAIS)

The ML Alignment & Theory Scholars (MATS) Program is twice-yearly educational seminar and independent research program that aims to provide talented scholars with talks, workshops, and research mentorship in the field of AI alignment and connect them with the Berkeley AI safety research community.

MATS helps expand the talent pipeline for AI safety research by empowering scholars to work on AI safety at existing r... (read more)

Buck Shlegeris, Ethan Perez, Evan Hubinger, and Owain Evans are mentoring in both programs. The links show their MATS projects, "personal fit" for applicants, and (where applicable) applicant selection questions, designed to mimic the research experience.

Astra seems like an obviously better choice for applicants principally interested in:

  • AI governance: MATS has no AI governance mentors in the Winter 2023-24 Program, whereas Astra has Daniel Kokotajlo, Richard Ngo, and associated staff at ARC Evals and Open Phil;
  • Worldview investigations: Astra has Ajeya Cot
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MATS has the following features that might be worth considering:

  1. Empowerment: Emphasis on empowering scholars to develop as future "research leads" (think accelerated PhD-style program rather than a traditional internship), including research strategy workshops, significant opportunities for scholar project ownership (though the extent of this varies between mentors), and a 4-month extension program;
  2. Diversity: Emphasis on a broad portfolio of AI safety research agendas and perspectives with a large, diverse cohort (50-60) and comprehensive seminar program;
  3. S
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Ryan Kidd
Buck Shlegeris, Ethan Perez, Evan Hubinger, and Owain Evans are mentoring in both programs. The links show their MATS projects, "personal fit" for applicants, and (where applicable) applicant selection questions, designed to mimic the research experience. Astra seems like an obviously better choice for applicants principally interested in: * AI governance: MATS has no AI governance mentors in the Winter 2023-24 Program, whereas Astra has Daniel Kokotajlo, Richard Ngo, and associated staff at ARC Evals and Open Phil; * Worldview investigations: Astra has Ajeya Cotra, Tom Davidson, and Lukas Finnvedan, whereas MATS has no Open Phil mentors; * ARC Evals: While both programs feature mentors working on evals, only Astra is working with ARC Evals; * AI ethics: Astra is working with Rob Long.

Speaking on behalf of MATS, we offered support to the following AI governance/strategy mentors in Summer 2023: Alex Gray, Daniel Kokotajlo, Jack Clark, Jesse Clifton, Lennart Heim, Richard Ngo, and Yonadav Shavit. Of these people, only Daniel and Jesse decided to be included in our program. After reviewing the applicant pool, Jesse took on three scholars and Daniel took on zero.

I think that one's level of risk aversion in grantmaking should depend on the upside and the downside risk of grantees' action space. I see a potentially high upside to AI safety standards or compute governance projects that are specific, achievable, and verifiable and are rigorously determined by AI safety and policy experts. I see a potentially high downside to low-context and high-bandwidth efforts to slow down AI development that are unspecific, unachievable, or unverifiable and generate controversy or opposition that could negatively affect later, bet... (read more)

How much later are these efforts happening? I feel like EA leadership is asleep at the wheel here, and the EA community is not cut out for the emergency response we need in terms of how fast it can react (judging by the reaction so far).

Thanks Joseph! Adding to this, our ideal applicant has:

  • an understanding of the AI alignment research landscape equivalent to having completed the AGI Safety Fundamentals course;
  • previous experience with technical research (e.g. ML, CS, maths, physics, neuroscience, etc.), ideally at a postgraduate level;
  • strong motivation to pursue a career in AI alignment research, particularly to reduce global catastrophic risk.

MATS alumni have gone on to publish safety research (LW posts here), join alignment research teams (including at Anthropic and MIRI), and found ali... (read more)

  • We broadened our advertising approach for the Summer 2023 Cohort, including a Twitter post and a shout-out on Rob Miles' YouTube and TikTok channels. We expected some lowering of average applicant quality as a result but have yet to see a massive influx of applicants from these sources. We additionally focused more on targeted advertising to AI safety student groups, given their recent growth. We will publish updated applicant statistics after our applications close.
  • In addition to applicant selection and curriculum elements, our Scholar Support staff, intr
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Copying over the Facebook comments I just made.

Response to Kat, intended as a devil's advocate stance:

  1. As Tyler said, funders can already query other funders regarding projects they think might have been rejected. I think the unilateralist's curse argument holds if the funding platform has at least one risk-averse big spender. I'm particularly scared about random entrepreneurs with typical entrepreneurial risk tolerance entering this space and throwing money at projects without concern for downsides, not about e.g. Open Phil + LTFF + Longview accessing a ce
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Agree with your background claims. But think we should be pivoting toward advocacy for slowing down / pausing / shutting down AI capabilities in general, in the post GPT-4+AgentGPT era. Short timelines means we should lower the bar for funding, and not worry quite so much about downside risks (especially if we only have months to get a moratorium in place).

We hope to hold another cohort starting in Nov. However, applying for the summer cohort might be good practice, and if the mentor is willing, you could just defer to winter!

I'm not advocating a stock HR department with my comment. I used "HR" as a shorthand for "community health agent who is focused on support over evaluation." This is why I didn't refer to HR departments in my post. Corporate HR seems flawed in obvious ways, though I think it's probably usually better than nothing, at least for tail risks.

In my management role, I have to juggle these responsibilities. I think a HR department should generally exist, even if management is really fair and only wants the best for the world, we promise (not bad faith, just humour).

It would not surprise me if most HR departments are set up as the result of lots of political pressures from various special interests within orgs, and that they are mostly useless at their “support” role. With more confidence, I’d guess a smart person could think of a far better way to do support that looks nothing like an HR department. I think MATS would be far better served by ignoring the HR frame, and just trying to rederive all the properties of what an org which does support well would look like. The above post looks like a good start, but it’d be a shame if you all just went with a human human resources department. Traditional companies do not in fact seem like they would be good at the thing you are talking about here. Unless there’s some weird incentives I know nothing about, effective community support is the kind of thing you should expect to do better than all of civilization at, if you are willing to think about it from first principles for 10 minutes.

This post is mainly explaining part of what I'm currently thinking about regarding community health in EA and at MATS. If I think of concrete, shareable examples of concerns regarding insufficient air-gapping in EA or AI safety, I'll share them here.

Yeah, I think that EA is far better at encouraging and supporting disclosure to evaluators than, for example, private industry. I also think EAs are more likely to genuinely report their failures (and I take pride in doing this myself, to the extent I'm able). However, I feel that there is still room for more support in the EA community that is decoupled from evaluation, for individuals that might benefit from this.

I think the distinction you make is real. In the language of this post, I consider the first type of evaluation you mention as a form of "support." Whether someone desires comfort or criticism, they might prefer this to be decoupled from evaluation that might disadvantage them.

The official channel for general questions about MATS is the contact form on our website.

Answer by Ryan KiddSep 03, 202212

The SERI ML Alignment Theory Scholars Program is looking for talented individuals who are driven to reduce risks from misaligned AI to help us support our rapidly growing alignment research community. We are hiring for the roles of Technical Generalist, Finance and Compliance Manager, Operations Generalist, and Community Manager. Job descriptions and application form here.

Hi Viktoria! I'm sorry; we dropped the ball on emailing all the applicants who had previously submitted. In hindsight, this was an obvious first thing to do. We did post the extension on the EA Forum and LessWrong posts, and a host of Slack workplaces and Facebook groups, but we should also have sent that email.

Application deadlines have been extended to May 22! Feel free message me or Victor if you have any questions.

I wrote a short blog post a little while ago on preventing low back pain with exercise. I think your problem area report might have missed several important meta-analyses on low back pain. In particular, Huang et al., 2018 and Shiri, Coggon and Hassani, 2017 seem to supersede Steffens et al., 2017, and Lin et al., 2018 seems broader and more recent than NICE, 2016. I think your assessment of the quality of evidence in favour of exercise interventions for low back pain might reasonably update with respect to these references.

Regarding Magnus' post, which you linked, I partly wrote this article as a response. The evidence base for preventing low back pain with exercise seems much greater than that for adjusting posture, stretching and using ergonomic furniture, which his post also recommends. I wanted to emphasise the importance of exercise as the primary intervention.

Magnus Vinding
It's not clear to me that Huang et al. compared exercise to the best alternative interventions, so it seems safer to say that it's best among those included in that review, and perhaps among the interventions that have been studied the most. But that's a considerably weaker claim than "low back pain is best prevented by exercise". [ETA: Also, are you sure that stretching wasn't in many cases part of the exercise studies included in the review? It's not clear to me from reading the paper, and if it was included, the review might actually support stretching, too, as opposed to supporting exercise over stretching. In any case, it's not clear to me that the claim about exercise being more important than stretching is in fact supported by the review in question.] FWIW, the data I've seen on the effects of getting a better bed, both in terms of small-scale studies and anecdotal evidence, suggests that it could well be more significant, and at least that it's more significant for a considerable number of people (probably especially among those who are already quite physically active). (Note also that it might be expensive and difficult to find appropriate beds for a large number of people in a study, which could be a hurdle to proper studies of this intervention.) I also wouldn't be surprised if curcumin supplementation did significantly better than the best exercise interventions if compared head-to-head (it's probably the single most effective thing I've tried, and I'd strongly encourage people with LBP to try it).

Regarding global health, the Happier Lives Institute produced a report on pain in 2020 that identified low back pain as a focus area, but missed my references [3-5]. In particular, my reference [4] seems to supersede their reference (Steffens et al., 2017) and my reference [3] seems broader and more recent than their reference (NICE, 2016). I think their recommendations might reasonably update with respect to these references.