All of SebastianSchmidt's Comments + Replies

That makes sense. We might do some more strategic outreach later this year where a report like this would be relevant but for now i don't have a clear use case in mind for this so probably better to wait. Approximately how much time would you need to run this?

Thanks. Hmm. The vibe I'm getting from these answers is P(extinction)>5% (which is higher than the XST you linked).

Ohh that's great. We're starting to do significant work in India and would be interested in knowing similar things there. Any idea of what it'd cost to run there?

Michael Noetel
I'll look into it. The census data part seems okay. Collecting a representative sample would be harder (e.g., literacy rates are lower, so I don't know how to estimate responses for those groups).

Thanks for sharing. This is a very insightful piece. Im surprised that folks were more concerned about larger scale abstract risks compared to more well defined and smaller scale risks (like bias). I'm also surprised that they are this pro regulation (including a Sox months pause). Given this, I feel a bit confused that they mostly support the development of AI and I wonder what had most shaped their view.

Overall, I mildly worry that the survey led people to express more concern than they feel. Because this seems surprisingly close to my perception of the views of many existential risks "experts". What do you think?

Would love to see this for other countries too. How feasible do you think that would be?

Michael Noetel
Thanks Seb. I'm not that surprised—public surveys in the Existential Risk Persuasion tournament were pretty high (5% for AI). I don't think most people are good at calibrating probabilities between 0.001% and 10% (myself included). I don't have strong hypotheses why people 'mostly support' something they also want treated with such care. My weak ones would be 'people like technology but when asked about what the government should do, want them to keep them safe (remove biggest threats).' For example, Australians support getting nuclear submarines but also support the ban on nuclear weapons. I don't necessarily see this as a contradiction—"keep me safe" priorities would lead to both. I don't know if our answers would have changed if we made the trade-offs more salient (e.g., here's what you'd lose if we took this policy action prioritising risks). Interested in suggestions for how we could do that better. It'd be easy for us to run in other countries. We'll put the data and code online soon. If someone's keen to run the 'get it in the hands of people who want to use it' piece, we could also do the 'run the survey and make a technical report one'. It's all in R so the marginal cost of another country is low. We'd need access to census data to do the statistical adjustment to estimate population agreement (but that should be easy to see if possible).

Thanks for writing this up and sharing. I strongly appreciate the external research evaluation initiative and was generally impressed with the apparent counterfactual impact. 

Thanks for your response Ben. All of these were on my radar but thanks for sharing. 

Good luck with what you'll be working on too!

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to understanding the strategic direction you and CEA will pursue going forward. Do you have a sense of when you'd be able to share a version of these?

- How do you define guided self-help? Do you mean facilitated group sessions?
- Do you have any specific papers/references that you've used to for those estimates?

Thanks for writing this up. We're running an incubation pilot at Impact Academy and found this post very helpful as a reference class (for comparison in terms of success) as well as providing strategic clarity.
I'm curious, what were the best initiatives (inside and outside of EA) you came across in your search (e.g., y-combinator, charity entrepreneurship, etc.)?


Ben Snodin
I don't necessarily have a great sense for how good each one is, but here are some names. Though I expect you're already familiar with all of them :). EA / x-risk -related * Future of Life Foundation * Active grantmaking, which might happen e.g. at Open Phil or Longview or Effective Giving, is a bit like incubation * (Charity Entrepreneurship of course, as you mentioned) Outside EA * Entrepreneur First seems impressive, though I'm not that well placed to judge * Maybe this is nitpicking: As far as I know Y-Combinator is an accelerator rather than an incubator (ie it's focused on helping out existing startups rather than helping people get something started) PS: good luck with your incubation work at Impact Academy! :)

Congratulations on running the pilot and getting these results!

They seem rather promising to me and above a threshold for testing more rigorously and scaling. However, a couple of questions:

  1. When did you measure the end effects and are you planning on doing a follow-up?
  2. How does this compare to interventions such as eight weeks therapy or coaching?
Thanks, Sebastian.  1. We measured once right at the end of the program at week 8 and once 4 weeks after the program, i.e., 12 weeks after the start of it. A follow-up is planned, likely after 3 but, at the latest, after 6 months, so that we can better estimate the course of the effect decline. In the post above, we present the 8 and 12-week results compared to the pre-course measurements. 2. Hopefully, I remember the research correctly, so take my answer below with some caution. As far as I know: - professional 1:1 CBT-Psychotherapy for depression and anxiety shows very similar effect sizes to guided self-help CBT.  - 1:1 CBT-based coaching can help just as professional 1:1 CBT-Psychotherapy  - our effects look like very similar to the average of typical professional 1:1 CBT-Psychotherapy / guided self-help programs  I am uncertain if 1:1 psychotherapy reached the effects that quickly. 
Adrià Moret
Thank you Seb!

Glad it was useful. Looking forward to seeing the course (fortunate that you had reached out to request feedback on it). 

Great to see how concrete and serious the US is now. This basically means that models more powerful than GPT-4 have to be reported to the government. 

Thanks for posting this!
I appreciate the overview and attempt to build conceptual clarity around this related cluster of ideas that you neatly refer to Very Positive Futures.

To respond to some of your prompts:

  • What are your views on the potential pros and cons of more focus on VPF?  With which points do you agree or disagree? What are other arguments?
    • I think you summarized the pros and cons quite well but I'm just emphasizing the most compelling from my perspective. 
    • IMO, the strongest pros are i) increased clarity on prioritization, ii)
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Thanks for your comment! Agree with your pros and cons. "Existential security" seems like a great one within EA. Have not seen the "procedural visions" one! Thanks for recommending it, will look. On your course question: As we are currently working on something similar to this at Foresight right now I will answer similarly to what we are thinking of adding there. Which is to do ambitious worldbuilding in groups of 4-5 people with complementary skill sets. Will share more when our resources are online for that! Thank you! :)

You're most welcome Geoffrey. Glad someone like yourself find it helpful.

Having thought more about it, I think the AI safety institute might be a continuation of the UK Frontier AI Taskforce. I don't know anything about the object-level output of the Taskforce but they've certainly managed to put together a great bunch of people as advisors and contributors (Yoshua Bengio, Paul Christiano, etc.). Very excited to see what comes out of this.

Thanks, Dave! Yes, we found that even the conservative estimate indicates that this can be a worthwhile investment and I feel more robustly good about folks investing in experimenting with high-quality services. That said, some initiatives have significantly higher ROI than 3.7 (our upper bound) so people will have to make individual judgment calls.

In terms of your considerations:

  1. This seems right to me. I also want to stress that I think it's likely that some of the people who could benefit the most from these services aren't currently working at organiz
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Some moderately strong and reasonable statements coming from a PM. I wonder what their vision for the AI safety institute is and how the expert panel might look like.

Seems a bit misplaced to say that the institute will be the first in the world as there's already several institutes working on this (though he could be meaning within government).

Tobias Häberli
As far as I understand the plan is for it to be a (sort of?) national/governmental institute.[1] The UK government has quite a few scientific institutes. It might be the first in the world of that kind. 1. ^ In this article from early October, the phrasing implies that it would be tied to the UK government:

Thanks for the comment Tee!
As mentioned in the post, this approach had many flaws. This is partly because we wanted to rely on published studies on the association between various conditions (e.g., stress) and productivity loss. Most of the studies we looked at relied on self-reported absenteeism and presenteeism (loss of productivity while at work due to lower performance). This means that these estimates don't include turnover which can indeed cause decreased organizational productivity, emotional challenges, and other costs. Overall, this might mean tha... (read more)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and frustrations - I'm very curious to learn more about LMIC perspectives! I have the following reflections that agree with some aspects of your points while potentially disagreeing with others:

  • It's important to consider how to adapt cause prioritization to the local context. E.g., there may be something to prioritizing basic infrastructure, and the urgency of problems can be very significant. However, some issues seem to be particularly big and of a global scale in a way that are surprisingly weird and hard to fully grasp
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Thank you @SebastianSchmidt for your reflections. Definitely there are some real big issues that can only be tackled on a global scale while adapting others to local context may significantly make a big difference. As to the primacy of core ideas over diversity , I find it as chicken or the egg dilemma.  Thanks for sharing the curricula. I would be glad to take a virtual coffee with you and chat about my panoramic views on LMIC.

Thanks for sharing and congrats on being the first in your family to attend uni and having landed a promising job! :)

I'll keep this in mind when I encounter people who find that their career doesn't really fit with EA and feels like a mess. 
On a personal note, when I first encountered EA, I recall thinking that many people also had very impressive CVs and felt some sense of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. 

Ok, I feel a bit confused as to why a method wouldn't have a more substantial entry or description but also don't want to keep bothering you. 

Mo Putera
Maybe you were referencing this?

Maybe I misunderstood something but my understanding was that there was an entry that you rewarded related to significant overall impact given the benefits across multiple cause areas. So I was wondering if this is something you could share.

Joel Tan
Ah, no - basically the award was for a method of searching for impactful causes.

Understood. So Rethinking Well-being is quite distinct from HIPsy? 

Where can I find "significant overall impact given the benefits across multiple cause areas"?

Joel Tan
Hi Sebastian, While it's just a search methodology and we haven't had the chance to brainstorm thoroughly with it. However, off the top of my, here are some potential interventions that have benefits across multiple cause areas: (a) general vaccine immunization reminders, of course, since they increase uptake of multiple vaccines and help combat multiple diseases; (b) front-of-pack labelling, which tends to have positive impact on consumption of salt (and hence the hypertension burden), sugar (and hence the diabetes burden) and general calories (and hence the obesity burden); and (c) resilient food systems (which potentially helps both in normal famines, plus more extreme nuclear winter/abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios).

Thanks for the post Inga.

When thinking about mental health as a cause area in EA, I think it's important to separate global mental health (e.g., anxiety and depression globally) from mental health amongst impact oriented individuals (e.g., EAs). I refer to the latter as development of impact oriented individuals as it wouldn't only consider mental health but also things such as skill building or character development. All with the intention of increasing their capacity for doing the most good.

Can I ask why you didn't mention Effective Peer Support?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sebastian. In this HIPsy pilot project, one survey has addressed the infrastructural needs within the global mental field. This is the one I created the excerpt for in the post. The demand for mental health-related services among impact-oriented individuals has been addressed by a separate survey – the results and the corresponding other EA forum post are linked above. Effective Peer Support is a different project, creating and evaluating a specific intervention for changemakers, which is why I don't mention it here.

Great reflections. 
Agree that recognition and the associated feelings of gratitude should not be the main thing. But still, thanks to all of you who decide to pursue things that seem the best and perhaps even giving up on some version of your passion, the praise, and status you'd get if you acted less altruistic and rationally.

Looking forward to seeing what comes out of it. The world needs some AI governance talent.

This makes sense. Do you have any explicated intentions for how big you want to get?

Thanks for this. I notice that all of these reasons are points in favor of working on multiple causes and seem to neglect considerations that would go in the other direction. And clearly, you take this considerations seriously too (e.g., scale and urgency) as you recently decided to focus exclusively on AI within the longtermism team now.

I agree with the overall claim of the post - i.e., that IQ is currently overrated within EA (although this will certainly depend on the context - i.e., it's much less the case in some contexts). That said, I do feel confused about several aspects - including which factors are the most important for impact.
For the record, I think that IQ is in the ~ top 5 qualities that are appreciated de facto within EA and perhaps even the top 1 in some contexts and that this is being overrated.

I think it's overrated for two reasons. 
1. Firstly, depending on the role... (read more)

Yeah, this could be the case. Just not sure that gpt4 can be given enough context for it to be a highly user friendly chatbot in the curriculum. But it might be the best of the two options.

Hi Peter, thanks for your work. I have several questions:

  1. Most organizations within EA are relatively small (<20). Why do you think that's the case and why is RP different?
  2. How do you decide on which research areas to focus on and, relatedly, how do you decide how to allocate money to them?
  3. What do you focus on within civilizational resilience?
  4. How do you decide whether something belongs to the longtermism department (i.e., whether it'll affect the long-term future)?
Peter Wildeford
This year we’ve made an intentional decision to focus nearly all our longtermist work on AI due to our assessment of AI risk as both unusually large and urgent, even among other existential risks. We will revisit this decision in future years and to be clear this does not mean that we think other people shouldn’t work on non-AI x-risk or longtermism-work not oriented towards existential risk reduction. But that does mean we don’t have any current work on civilizational resilience right now. That being said, we do have some work on this in the past: * Linch did a decent amount of research and coordination work around exploring civilizational refuges but RP is no longer working on this project. * Jam has previously done work on far-UVC, for example by contributing to "Air Safety to Combat Global Catastrophic Biorisks". * We co-supported Luisa in writing "What is the likelihood that civilizational collapse would directly lead to human extinction (within decades)?" while she was a researcher at both Rethink Priorities and Forethought Foundation.
Peter Wildeford
We haven’t had to make too many fine-grained decisions, so it hasn’t been something that has come up enough to merit a clear decision procedure. I think the trickiest decision was what to do with research aimed at understanding and mitigating the negative effects of climate change. The main considerations were questions like “how do our stakeholders classify this work” and “what is the probability of this issue leading to human extinction within the century” and both of those considerations led to climate change work falling into our “global health and development” portfolio. This year we’ve made an intentional decision to focus nearly all our longtermist work on AI due to our assessment of AI risk as both unusually large and urgent, even among other existential risks. We will revisit this decision in future years and to be clear this does not mean that we think other people shouldn’t work on non-AI x-risk or non-xrisk longtermism.

How do you decide on which research areas to focus on and, relatedly, how do you decide how to allocate money to them?

We do broadly aim to maximize the cost-effectiveness of our research work and so we focus on allocating money to opportunities that we think are most cost-effective on the margin.

Given that, it may be surprising that we work in multiple cause areas, but we face some interesting constraints and considerations:

  • There is significant uncertainty about which priority area is most impactful. The general approach to RP has been that we can sc

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Most organizations within EA are relatively small (<20). Why do you think that's the case and why is RP different?

I’m not exactly sure and I think you’d have to ask some other smaller organizations. My best guess is that scaling organizations is genuinely hard and risky, and I can understand other organizations may feel that they work best and are more comfortable with being small. I think RP has been different by:

  • Working in multiple different cause areas lets us tap into multiple different funding sources, thus increasing the amount of money we w

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Thanks for running with the idea! This is a major thing within education these days (e.g., Khan academy). This seems reasonably successful although Peter's example and the tendency to hallucinate makes me a bit concerned.

I'd be keen on attempting to fine-tune available foundations models on the relevant data. E.g., gpt-3.5 and see how good a result one might get.

My intuition after playing around with many of these models is that GPT 3.5 is probably not good enough at general reasoning to produce consistent results. It seems likely to me that either GPT 4 or Claude 2 would be good enough. FWIW, in a recent video Nathan Labenz said that he originally suggested to use GPT 4 and then go from there when people asked him for recommendations. The analysis gets more complicated with Claude 2 (perhaps slightly worse at reasoning, longer context window).  

Hi Riley,
Thanks a lot for your comment. I'll mainly speak to our (Impact Academy) approach to impact evaluation but I'll also share my impressions with the general landscape.

Our primary metric (*counter-factual* expected career contributions) explicitly attempts to take this into account. To give an example of how we roughly evaluate the impact: 

Take an imaginary fellow, Alice. Before the intervention, based on our surveys and initial interactions, we expected that she may have an impactful career, but that she is unlikely to pursue a priority path ba... (read more)

Thanks for this. I think it could've been more awesome by having a stronger statement on the importance of the EA ideas, values, and mindsets. I recognize that you somewhat mention this under reasons 2 and 5 but I would've liked to see it stated even more strongly.

Thanks so much for doing this. I'm very happy to see how the general public and university students seemed to be mostly unaware and unaffected by FTX. By being happy, I don't mean to imply that we should take the situation lightly and not learn from it. I'm curious about other groups such as young professionals. However, I am somewhat shocked to see the massive drop in trust in leadership (1/3 distrusting leaders). This is definitely a significant effect which might yield good consequences - e.g., people being more likely to develop their own views and be less inclined to defer to certain individuals.

Thanks for the model - I think it's useful. 
I think it'd probably be more appropriate to say that wave 2 was x-risk (and not broad longtermism) and/or that longtermism became x-risk. Before reading your thoughts on the possibilities for the third wave, I spent a few seconds developing my thoughts. The thoughts were:
1. Target audience: More focus on Global South/LMIC.
2. Culture: Diversification and more ways of living (e.g., the proportion of Huel drinkers go down).
3. Call-to-action: A higher level community/set of ideas (e.g., distilling and formalizi... (read more)

Thanks for this! How many people did you interview for this?

Thanks a lot for this. I eagerly read it last year and found several valuable takeaways. Looking forward to reading the foundation handbook!

Just inserting a high-level description for other readers:
I expected that their perspective would be too rigid (e.g., overly reliant on rigorous research on average effects and generalizing too strongly), cynical (as opposed to humanistic and altruistic), and overly focused on intelligence. Fortunately, my expectations were off. In fact, they were highly nuanced (emphasizing the importance of judgment and context), con... (read more)

Thanks for this! We'll soon be vetting talent - are there any resources you'd recommend for understanding and selecting talent?

Not a ton of writing I love on the topic, but this book is one of the better ones I have read on it: We will also be publishing our foundation handbook in approximately 3 months, and that has a pretty large section on vetting.
Vincent van der Holst
Founder talent or employee talent? What stage of the company? I found that they are different people in many cases.  These are quick thoughts, I hope they are helpful.  In general for early stage founders: - If they founded before that's great, first time founders make many mistakes that second time founders don't - Ask for prior work, which is a much better predictor than an interview. Were they succesful in getting 1 million followers, securing 10 contracts for another startup etc.? - Do a one month trial project and make expectations clear. If their output is amazing they might be a founder, if it's anything less they are not - I think it helps if they complement you, if you agree on everything that's probably not going to be good and if you have the same skills that's probably not going to be good either.  Common mistakes in for-profit (impact) startups vetting: - Hiring big company talent. Someone who managed a large team in a slow organization is not going to do well in a fast and small organization. There are many exceptions though. If someone applies who's currently at Google, that's a yellow flag for me, even though that seems counterintuitive.  - Hiring based on study background. I have found zero correlation to the quality output of an employee and where they studied for roles like marketing, sales, strategy etc. This will be different for some tech or engineering roles, but I believe to be true for roles that aren't taught well in school like entrepreneurship, management, sales, marketing, etc. I have stopped looking at study background because it biased me and makes hiring less inclusive (99% of global people can't get into "good" universities).  - Hiring based on experience that's unrelated to what you're doing. You should count highly relevant experience only and nothing else. - Hiring someone who you don't get along with, especially if it's a founder. You're working a lot and you might see your founder more than your spouse, so if you can't get al

Thanks for this. I'm somewhat reminded of this post on using a different motivational system than guilt.

Thanks so much for this reply - very informative.

This seems relatively aligned with my perspective although the specifics of what the therapists said in relation the strong moral values matter as moral perfectionism can be self-defeating. I'd also add that it seems as if older EAs are less concerned with EA-informedness than younger. For an example of why it might be beneficial to have an EA-informed coach or therapist, I quite liked this podcast episode on 80K.

Thanks for this!

Would it be possible for you to provide information on the quantity/frequency of the following findings?

1. "People find it difficult to find therapists who accept the values of Effective Altruism or whom they can trust"

2. "Thoughts on whether an EA-aligned therapist is necessary: some say yes, others no; some say it’s helpful to speak with therapists who are outside of the EA community."

Also, for 2, I'm curious whether they made claims about whether it was necessary or whether it was optimal. Seems quite different and my experience tells me... (read more)

Hi Sebastian! Sure thing! For both findings, they were findings that were not explicitly measured, but rather were provided as additional information by respondents, so please note that this is the case. That said: 1. 6 people said they find it difficult to find therapists who accept the values of Effective Altruism or whom they can trust. For instance, they said it's hard to find therapists who don't tell them “I want to do as much good as possible” is pathologically wrong, and that their mental health providers are concerned about them getting lost in helping too much.  2. 1 person said they'd be interested in seeing a therapist recommended by another community member, 3 people implied that they thought an EA-aligned therapist was necessary (due to non-EA-aligned therapists having concerns about their values being healthy or accepting their commitment to those values), 1 person said it was necessary (so not optimal, but a need because they needed someone who understands ), 1 implied that it wasn't necessary (they're more concerned with finding an effective therapist, i.e., one who is good at listening and helping figure out problems, than whether or not that therapist is EA-aligned), and 1 said it would be helpful to speak with a therapist from outside the EA community to get an outside view. I agree, from experience speaking with a few people, coaching with people who understand EA-values (though who do not necessarily identify with Effective Altruism themselves) is more helpful for some career-related growth areas, whereas support from medical and other mental health professionals who are willing to listen and try to understand (though who do not necessarily know much about Effective Altruism) seems to be ok for medical diagnoses and therapy.

Thanks for this. Seems important to provide more funding to folks who want to do good work!

Might be overly short due to the recent advancements and recency bias (e.g., would be interesting to see in a few weeks) but that's a massive sample size!

Seems good to me. I'm still making up my mind as to whether it should be seen as its own cause area as opposed to a framing and method that can be used to enhance other cause areas. 

Thanks for your reply.
I agree that it's highly complex and can positively affect other cause areas and I'm happy to jam more on this. However, I also think it's important to not assume that it's a panacea that's good for everything. E.g., I do worry that focusing too much on well-being could be bad for the world as one starts to act in ways that optimize for that and neglects the significance of other cause areas. But I think it's plausibly a really big thing which is why I'm exploring. I've written you a dm to set up a call.

Great! Let's chat. (I definitely agree it's not good for everything, rather it's probably worth coming up with a framework that describes in what people-centered cause areas it's more and less relevant). 

Good luck with this. Happy to have more appropriately great coaches available for people ambitiously trying to do a lot of good.

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