Wyatt S.

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This is an interesting idea. One unstated assumption I don't agree with is the assumption that Boltzmann brains would experience more negative experiences than positive ones. In order to justify destroying the possibility of something existing, one would need to prove it would experience negative experiences that outweigh the positive experiences. Human brains experience pain more intensely than pleasure because they are adapted for an environment which harshly punishes mistakes. Boltzmann brains would form randomly, so their pleasure to pain balance would be random, thus making it about an even ratio. In that case, we have no idea what the net effect would be.

There are other interventions that would be worth considering, like electoral reform. For example, there were ranked-choice voting ballot initiatives in several states, and that kind of reform has comparatively few direct workers. While those interventions are funded, they are not as heavily funded as direct electoral campaigning. Other alternatives like STAR voting or quadratic voting that could have a bigger payoff could be more neglected.

I would like to attend, but I have too much schoolwork and would have trouble catching up. A summer conference would be more accessible for me as a college student.

"I'm not good at being happy" was something I relate to and have thought before.

Where do I apply for the East Coast Convention specifically?

For American EAs who are LGBT/queer: I think we should begin having discussions about how the Trump administration will affect us (non-queer people would also be allowed to participate), and whether we want to leave or stay, as well as where we want to go to. I think there are factors to take into account (like impact, community, and career potential) that would be better for an EA-focused group to look at. It would also be nice to have a group that is shielded from the fearmongering of the general public. I might make a larger post or start a Groupchat for this, so if you are or know anyone who would be interested, you can comment or message me about it and we can get in touch. (I need to get my life priorities in order, so I will not be doing this now.) Personally, I will not yet be leaving the United States, but I want to be ready to leave if things get dangerous enough. I wouldn't normally post something this politically divisive, but the possible urgency and threat posed to people needs to be assessed seriously.

The only problem is that no one knows what this means. Something easy would be to enter the definition on Urban Dictionary. I tried, but I am having server issues right now.

An add on to that: If you've explored education, have you explored non-traditional methods of education, like Montessori?

Could you explain to me how you think Biden resigning would be positive?

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