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Come along for talks followed by a discussion with snacks! 

What's on this time?

I will start by giving an introduction on the topic. We then have two talks planned so far:

@Martyn J will be giving a talk on what it was like to found a non-profit through the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program. Martyn will then also be talking about the first year of Clear Solutions (www.clearsolutions.global), a charity focused on preventing deaths from diarrhoeal disease in children under five. 

@Matt Goodman will be talking about measures of global health, in particular subjective wellbeing vs DALYs. 


There is still capacity for more contributions! Sign up to give a talk here: https://forms.gle/8smq5CGJw1hqsLkK8 

I highly recommend signing up! For a short talk, you could pick a forum post, a book, or a paper and just talk about it for a few minutes. You are also welcome to prepare a longer talk if you want to go in depth on something.

If you don't feel like presenting, you are welcome to just come along to listen, chat, and socialise. 

Where is the event? 

We are meeting up at 7 St Paul's Square. I will be downstairs collecting people from 6.50pm and we will start at 7pm.

If you are not already in the WhatsApp group, send @matthes a message to be added. This is useful for on-the-day communication. 




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