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Come join us to discuss how to make the world a better place through the lens of effective altruism. The topic of this group discussion is 'earning to give': how the idea was downplayed after initial enthusiasm, and why it might might be due for a revival.

"Earning to give involves deliberately pursuing a high-earning career for the purpose of donating a significant portion of earned income." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earning_to_give))

We meet every month to discuss topics relating to effective altruism and get to know each other better. We consider importance, neglectedness, and tractability to look for underrated opportunities to make the world a better place, and then we support each other in pursuing those opportunities. We plan for the long term: building, not burnout.


Earning to Give: 80,000 Hours (https://80000hours.org/articles/earning-to-give/))

Bonus: Small Donors Can Still Have a Significant Impact (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/cjH2puDzAFrtrrThQ/despite-billions-of-extra-funding-small-donors-can-still))

"The cost to save a life in the developing world is about $3,400. This is a small enough amount that most of us in affluent countries could donate that amount every year while maintaining about the same quality of life. Rather than just saving one life, we could save a life every working year of our lives. Donating to charity is not nearly as glamorous as kicking down the door of a burning building, but the benefits are just as great. Through the simple act of donating to the most effective charities, we have the power to save dozens of lives."
— William MacAskill, Doing Good Better

LOCATION: Weather permitting, we'll be in Albert Park, near the gazebo:

WEATHER: But if it's rainy, we'll be in Chancery square, here:

OPEN TO ALL: Our group is open to people from all stages and walks of life including working professionals, students, retirees, and any other people interested in effective altruism are warmly invited to attend.

We strive to ensure a diverse set of voices are heard, and we emphasize that women and non-binary people, tangata whenua and other people of colour, and people of all religions, belief systems, and political perspectives are welcome at our meetings.

TIME: Don't worry if you can't make it on time. It's fine to turn up late.

READ UP: Discussion goes better when you come informed. At the same time, if you don't get a chance to read up, we'd rather you still come along than not!




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