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Every month, the Amsterdam Effective Altruism chapter hosts a social event open to all those interested in Effective Altruism. Meet other people interested in EA, ask questions and discuss topics of your interest, or just come to socialize and have a drink with us.

We have a repeat location: Celebesstraat 58A, in Oost (east-side of city), also known as Tim's place.

(the buzzer doesn't look like a buzzer, but is actually a buzzer)

Feel free to bring something to drink or eat, but don't feel obliged!

When: Every first Tuesday or Wednesday of the month (check the event date!). You're welcome from 19:30 onwards, but feel free to arrive later.
Where: Celebesstraat 58A, Amsterdam.

If you're a newcomer you are especially welcome!

If you have been before and found the conversations interesting and valuable, then please consider bringing along a friend who you think might want to learn and discuss how to best make the world a better place. Also feel free to invite anyone you think may be interested!

Feel free to contact us with questions!
Contact during event: find our WhatsApp group chat at https://chat.whatsapp.com/IIEOh1XGSaa9lMgmEDJ4MH


Effective Altruism (EA): a growing social movement that has the desire to make the world as good a place as it can be. It uses evidence and reason to find out how to do so and takes action to make it happen. Read more about Effective Altruism at http://effectiefaltruisme.nl/ (Dutch organisation, website available in English) or https://www.effectivealtruism.org/ (international).




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