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Hooaja kaheksas lauamänguõhtu tuleb kolmapäeval, 17. aprillil.

Üritus toimub 📍 Karakteris juba teist korda -
Miks? Sest neil on meeletult suur valik lauamänge. Üks mäng, mida neil pole, aga mille muidugi kaasa võtan, on EA-teemaline Cards Against Humanity või kui täpne olla siis Cards Against the Future of Humanity 😮!

Üleskutse ka kõigile neile,
👉 kes tahavad Targa heategija lühikursuse kohta täpsemalt uurida
👉 kes tahavad lähemalt uurida, millega me EA Eestis tegeleme
👉 kes teavad, millega me EA Eestis tegeleme, aga tahaks rohkem teada
👉 kes tahavad lihtsalt heas seltskonnas aega veeta või arutleda filosoofiliste küsimuste üle

Näeme 17. aprillil kell 18:00 Karakteris! Kuigi koha peal süüa ei pakuta, siis meil lubatakse omad snäkid kaasa võtta ja koha peale süüa tellida, nii et seda me teemegi.
Tule ise ja võta sõber kaasa! 🙌


Eighth edition of EA Estonia board game night will take place on the 17th April.

The event will take place in 📍 Karakter -
Why? Because they have an immense selection of board games to choose from. One game that they do not have and that I'll bring along it the EA themed Cards Against Humanity or as it is better known - Cards Against the Future of Humanity 😮!

Also calling all people,
👉 who want to find out more about the EA introductory course
👉 who want to know what EA Estonia does
👉 who know what EA Estonia does, but would like to get involved
👉 who just want to spend time in good company and ponder on some philosophical questions

See you on the 17th April at 18:00. Even though they don't serve food at the location, we are bringing our own snacks and you are allowed to order food from outside, so no need to worry about that.
Come along and bring a friend! 🙌




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