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Jonathan Jacqueminet
Dave Cortright 🔸

We’re excited to announce an upcoming event focused on mental health in the EA space! This is a great chance to hear about emerging projects, exchange ideas, and connect with others passionate about mental health.

Flash talk schedule:

Mark RootenbergIntroduction and EA MH Working Group
Dave Cortright The importance of relationships (and agency if there's time)
Jeffrey KursonisLTRL - Lay Therapy Research Lab...scaling lay therapy & research in LMICs
Noam ShwartzVIVID & RISE Project 
Victor WangA framework for increasing life satisfaction

Whether you're actively working on a mental health project, exploring the field, or simply curious, we’d love to have you join us! Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions, and please share this with anyone who might be interested!




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