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Houston EA Weekly Hangout!

Join us to

increase your understanding of effective altruism ideas by exploring a discussion topic

connect with like-minded individuals

Our goal is to build a thriving community of people who care about finding effective ways to help others. All are welcome to join, newcomers and regulars alike!


10-minute new member EA Houston crash course (old members can skip or network among themselves)

5-minute announcements and brief explanation of the discussion topic. Attendees do NOT need prior knowledge of the topic in order to attend this event.

After the presentation, the host will start a group discussion by posing a thought-provoking question for everyone to answer. We'll sit in a circle and have a free-flowing conversation.

The host will keep the discussion going by asking more questions as needed for about an hour.

At 3:30pm, the host will wrap up the group discussion and ask for feedback. You're welcome to stay and mingle with other attendees informally for as long as you like.




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