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On the 28th of april, EA-Utrecht will organise a Q&A session with none other than Rutger Bregman, author of 'Humankind', 'Utopia for realists', and 'de meeste mensen deugen', among many others.

To make sure us Groningers can attend the event without having to travel all the way to Utrecht, EA-Groningen is organising a watchparty *with free vegan food*, where we all get together to share ideas, discuss, and bear witness to this unique event!

Event description:
What are the most pressing problems in the world today and how can you help solve them?
Effective Altruism NL invites you to our introduction event featuring an exclusive interview with Rutger Bregman to address this question!
We will dive into theories of change in social progress, the long term future of humanity, the importance of storytelling in societal change and many more topics.

Event link:




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