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Applications are closing on August 31st!

If you didn't apply last week, then: >>>>

NOW is the time to apply

If you are already accepted, then invite your EA friends so they don’t miss out on the fun either :)

An invitation

...to join over a hundred effective altruists for chilling out together in the woods on a campsite! The perfect place to bond with people you met at conferences.

The 2024 edition will have a similar concept to the previous years’ Summer Camps and fUnconferences hosted in Berlin: we want to enjoy the last summer days together and connect with the community, where the program is 100% designed by the participants. In previous years, the activities ranged from making music, ecstatic dance, singing around the campfire, slacklining, parkour, swimming, yoga and meditation to workshops & discussions about causes in effective altruism, rationality techniques, creative writing, community building, mental health, rave, breathwork, authentic relating, and many more. The purpose of the event is to reunite old friends, meet new people and exchange personal experiences to have an inspiring weekend and enjoy our time together. We strive to provide the space for experiential learning, deep connections, creative expression, skill-sharing and experimenting with self-organizing group dynamics.

This event is not a good place to get work done or progress on your career planning. We want participants to enjoy a nice summer camp with various social activities and connect with like-minded members of the community in an informal way, leaving our titles and suits behind. If you want to work on your career plans, we recommend attending EAGxBerlin the week before Summer Camp.

This event is entirely participant-driven, so do bring a workshop or activity! If you’ve never hosted a workshop before, we encourage you to try your hands at it in this encouraging company :) Besides the activities, we’ll collect volunteers on site for smaller tasks (such as cleaning the dishes), or you could give the organizing team a hand before the event by taking on a somewhat larger task (such as shopping snacks).

Location: Zeltlagerplatz at the Havel in Berlin: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CPPnwKmYq4Bg71Gk9

Check out the vibes at the 2022 event: https://bit.ly/3UWfyo9

Any questions? Feedback?
→ Don’t hesitate to email us at berlinsummercamp2024@gmail.com.

No questions? Not afraid of being silly?  Then do apply by end of August: 


We’re looking forward to seeing you,
Laszlo, Nina and Marlyn

Schedule from a bird’s eye view

4pm onwards: Most people arrive, settle in rooms & pitch their tents. 
7pm: Dinner
8pm: Welcome session

8am – 10am: Breakfast
10am – 1pm: Program, as facilitated by you all
1pm – 3pm: Lunch break
3pm – open end: More participant-driven program: sports, games, campfire, dancing, teaching, learning, arts, meditation...
7pm: Dinner

8am – 10am: Breakfast
10am – 12pm: Cleanup
12pm: Goodbyes and departures
Some might hang out a bit longer at the lake or in Berlin.

Exact schedule is determined on the spot by you all. ❤️

What others say

Summer Camp is a collection of kind, caring and curious people meeting to take some time out of the altruistic pursuits. I love the silliness of the workshops, hanging out with great people or just enjoying being outside every day ❤️ peace out, bubu

— Sara Recktenwald

Summer Camp has been one of the coolest experiences of the year! Met some of my closest friends there, tried out & learned a bunch of new things, made some life changing discoveries and just had so so so much fun

— Llela


This event is independently organized, self-funded, and does not represent the broader EA movement or institutions.

Early bird gets the worm, have we asked you to apply yet?

Apply now





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