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Matthew Collins

Hi, and welcome to our global community of aspiring suffering abolitionists! :) Our online meetups serve as a platform to grow a global community for motivating each other and collaborating on initiatives towards the abolition of suffering. Please check out our new website to dive into the topic of suffering abolition and find cause areas and initiatives to work on: https://suffering-abolition.github.io/.

Date of our next online event: 25 June 2022 at 07:00 pm UTC.  To see the date converted to your time zone you may use the following link. (It only works if your browser has access to your location.)


We encourage the following contributions during the meet-ups:

Desired focus of the event: ~50% on

1. updates on participants’ personal suffering abolitionist projects

2. insights of participant’s research - please always specify how the insights contribute to projects that event participants are actually working on. 

Next ~35-40%:

3. personal story sharing / connecting / fun / wellbeing

4. discussing personal fit for individuals and potential contributions

Last ~10-15%:

5. Philosophical discussions/ discussions of current media representation and potential responses

6. Research unrelated to specific projects

As always, we will meet on Discord

We use the Discord Server “Suffering Abolitionist Working and Community Space”. Be invited to join in by clicking ‘add server’ and using this link: https://discord.gg/nwZfQ9A

In the server you may first read through ‘rules-of-conduct’, ‘intro’ and ‘feedback’, before joining the ‘VIDEO community / working meetup channel’.

I will be online about 15 min before the event to help if people are struggling with access. Feel free to join earlier as well and chat with each other.

During the event we will not be able to help you with technical difficulties. So please use the time before the event to ask for support.

Flexible structure of the working meetup:

1. Moderated introduction round with ~1 min/person

2. Deep dive into 2-3 projects of participants 

4. End round with sharing of takeaways ~1 min/person

6. Open end: exploring the Suffering Abolitionism room in EA gather town together for future meetups. 

Approximate time investment: 1,5 h




Everyone who RSVP'd to this event will be notified.

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