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Have you wanted to help others, and wondered about the best way to do it? Are you new to effective altruism? No idea what it means? This is the event for you. We will discuss some of the very surprising and empowering ways to think about helping others.

Completely free event. Effective altruism is a project that aims to find the best ways to help others, and put them into practice. Whether it's focusing on reducing catastrophic risks like nuclear war, getting rid of factory farming or helping those in extreme poverty, effective altruism is a vibrant global movement committed to making a difference. Through our group, you can meet like-minded people with similar values, people who are pursuing high-impact pathways and want to help you with yours, including anyone who's still just trying to figure things out.
There will be free plant based snacks and pizza provided.

Suggested, but completely optional videos, listening and reading:
- The Most Important Moral Problems of Our Time by Will Macaskill (12 mins) https://youtu.be/WyprXhvGVYk
- Introduction to EA by Ajeya Cotra (35 mins) https://youtu.be/48VAQtGmfWY
- What is Effective Altruism? https://www.effectivealtruism.org/articles/introduction-to-effective-altruism
- Book: Doing Good Better by Will Macaskill (Free copies will be available at the event)

Getting there:

There are 5 bays available on site, but these may not be available during the week and on Saturday morning. Parking is available at the Subiaco Theatre parking area or in Bagot Rd – both are paid options during the week between 8-6pm but are free at other times.
Earthwise can be accessed via Transperth bus services 27 and 28, and is a 15min walk from Subiaco train station and 10 min from Daglish station.
Feel free to message us if you have difficulty finding the venue.

Please rsvp so that we know how many pizzas to get.





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