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Join us at Rå Bowls any and every week to chill, chat, meet others caring about doing good in the world, and eat delicious vegan bowls. Anyone is welcome, as long as they are kind!
For any questions, we can be reached at +31 6 26709586.
We also have a Whatsapp chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jam8tFMwaZF5HKW7M73XF8
and a website: https://www.eagroningen.nl/


Effective Altruism Groningen is for students interested in doing a lot of good in the world.
Effective Altruism (EA) is a global community for people who are happy to use evidence, ambition and smart thinking to support their efforts to improve the world.
With thousands of members worldwide, examples of successful EA projects include https://80000hours.org/, and https://www.givewell.org/. EA has been covered in TIME Magazine, the Tim Ferriss Podcast, Vox, The Economist and more.




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