We’ve prepared a special treat for those of you who are staying in town – this Friday, Mosaic is hosting a jazz concert! Our friends from the Berklee College of Music are going to play the classics and modern pieces of jazz. The music will start at 7:30!
Vegan Potluck. A few of us will be heading to Mosaic a bit early **at 5:30** to share in some cooking and have fun at the stoves.
If you plan to bring food, please add it to the list (https://docs.google.com/.../1T8tJnBhLTa8oHxByLVvT.../edit... ) – we will check it at noon Friday to see what gaps we need to fill, in so please add anything before then. If you’d prefer, you can instead [venmo Will](https://venmo.com/u/W1ll-Tower) to help with the cost of food and drinks.
Bring whatever you like, and we’ll have plenty to share
Feel free to come even if you’re new to EA or don’t think of yourself as the type of person that would fit in – we’d love to have you! Student and working professionals, newcomers and old hands, Cambridge and Boston.
We have very limited parking space so better arrive on foot or bikes – all the bikes can be chained to the fence on the right of the house.