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Hi Everyone, 

OpenPrinciples would like to invite you to join our 1 hour Speaker & Q&A Session with James Norris, the CEO of Upgradable, to hear him talk about how Principled Living fits into a broader definition of the self-growth process. The first 30 min will be his talk, and the second 30 min will be Q&A.  

James Norris is the Founder and CEO of Upgradadable, he and his team developed a program that uses emerging technology, behavioral science, and applied rationality to help people plausibly achieve their life goals.


OpenPrinciples is an EA Aligned organization led by current and previous organizers of EA IBM, EA UWaterloo, EA Taft, and EA Kathmandu University, and is a community of like-minded people who like to open-source our own principles, build on each others' principles, and use those principles to make great decisions and make fewer repeated mistakes so we can help the world more effectively. 

Examples of OpenPrinciples' projects include, a crowd-sourced database of open-sourced life principles of our community members, Principled Individual Notion Template, and Ultrabrain Principles AI Assistant that helps people reflect, remind, and act on their life principles.





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