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Sören Klinger
Matilda N.
Jan L. Gaida

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Let's discuss our group's strategy for the coming months and brainstorm ideas for future events!

📍We'll meet at Bucerius Law School in room 0.01 at 19:00.

Would you like to help build the EA community in and around Hamburg?
You could engage in outreach activities (e.g. at your university) and promote the upcoming Intro Program of EA Germany. Depending on your capacities we can work out a maximally efficient strategy! 🚀

Or are you interested in contributing to future group events? Let's talk about what kind of events you'd like to take place and to which degree you might want to help make them happen! ✨

What are the next steps on your personal voyage towards more altruistic impact?
We can talk about it in person or you can already check out EA Germany's First steps page for some inspiration! 🤯

Bonus (time permitting): Screening of a surprise Rational Animations video
and an attempt at collaboratively answering the question "Do we need mushrooms to advance our civilisation to the next stage?" 🍄

Looking forward to seeing you!

Please drop us a line below (or via pm or via hamburg@effektiveraltruismus.de) if you want to participate and have not been in contact with us before.




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