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Welcome to the project sessions of EA KTH!
Here we meet up once a week to work on projects related to learning about doing the most good.
The sessions are carried out in so-called sprints that are matched with KTH's examination schedule. Each sprint consists of 5 weeks of meetings, and there will be two sprints each semester. This is the second spring of this academic year. At the end of each sprint, you are expected to present your progress on your project for the other participants.
There will be catered vegan food to those working on projects.
SESSION 1 - 7th of November
17:30-20:30 at KTH Innovation at Teknikringen 1.
At the first session there will be an introduction to the project sessions for those who are new.
Here, if there is interest, you will get a crash course to effective altruism, which tries to answer the question “How can we do the most good in the world?”. You will then be introduced to the three types of projects you will be able to do with us during the fall and get a chance to, by yourself or by getting together in groups, write a project proposal by the end of it.
We will also go over how the format and structure of the coming project sessions will look like.

For those who have attended before, you can continue as you have worked before.

17.30 Crash course on effective altruism
17.45 Presentation of project sessions and projects
18.00 Ice breakers
18.15 Project planning
18.30 Food break
19.15 Project proposal writing
20.15 Wrap-up, evaluation and last words
Session 2-4 - 14th of November to 28th of November
Here we work together on the projects that you've chosen and discussed together with the board.
We are currently using the project rooms at KTH Innovation for our project sessions.
Session 5 - 5th of December
The final project session of this sprint, where you present your progress and findings to the rest of the group.
Photo by Jason Goodman Visa mindre




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