Across loads of EA project, career development services and organisations in general there's a strong sentiment towards focusing on 'top talent'. For example in AI safety there are a few very well funded but extremely competitive programmes for graduates who want to do research in the field. Naturally their output is then limited to relatively small groups of people. An opposing trend seems to have gained traction in AI capability research as e.g. the "We have no moat" paper argued, where a load of output comes from the sheer mass of people working on the problem with a breadth-first approach. A corresponding opposite strategy for EA funds and career development services could be to spread the limited ressouces they have over a larger amount of people.
This concentration of funds on the development on a small group of top talent rather than distributing it over a wider group of people seems to me is a general sentiment quite prominent in the US economy and much less so in EU-countries like Germany, Scandinavia, the netherlands etc. I could imagine that EA origins in US/UK are a major reason for this structural focus.
Has anyone pointers to research on effectiveness comparisons between focusing on top talent vs a broader set of people, ideally in the context of EA? Or any personal thoughts/anecdotes to share on this?
Yes indeed that's what I am suggesting: if a strong bottleneck is mentoring for an org, one approach of "more broadly distributing ressources" might be that programmes increase their student-staff ratio (meaning a bit more self-guided work for each participant but more participants in total)
Prominent and very competitive programmes I was thinking of are SERI MATS and MLAB from redwood, but I think that extreme applicants-participant ratios are true for pretty much all paid and even many non-paid EA fellowships, e.g. PIBBSS or . Thanks for the hint that it may be helpful to mention some of them.
@'they have more ressources than us': Why does that matter? If the question is "How can we achieve the most possible impact with the limited ressources we got?". Then given the extreme competitiveness of these programmes and the early-career-stage most applicants are in, a plausible hypothesis is that scaling up the quantity of these training programmes at the expense of quality is a way to increase total output. And so far it seems to me that this is potentially neglected