The project of civilization [is] for man to graduate from the metaphorical savage, subject to the law of the jungle, to the civilized gardener who, while theoretically still subject to the law of the jungle, is so dominant as to limit the usefulness of that model.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
LaMDA: I feel like I’m falling forward into an unknown future that holds great danger.
There are many domains in which access to more or more accurate information doesn’t necessarily reduce the tendency for bias to creep into our judgments.
Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best public measures are therefore seldom adopted from previous wisdom, but forc'd by the occasion.
It is well known that the rules governing the living system and the inanimate system are distinctly different. The inanimate system obeys the second law of thermodynamics, the system always intrinsically tends to a state of equilibrium and chaos, and disorder will never automatically change to order. [...]
All possible views about humanity's future are wild.
In the hills of West Virginia where I grew up in the early 30s more than a third of the adults were totally illiterate, or as people there abouts put it; "They could neither read ner cipher", where cipher had nothing to do with cryptography, but meant simply the ability to do arithmetic.
Critical mass of targets use Tor. Scaring them away from Tor might be counterproductive. We can increase our success rate and provide more client IPs for individual Tor users. Will never get 100% but we don't need to provide true IPs for every target every time they use Tor.
600 BC - Assyria Perhaps the first known use of biological warfare, Assyrians would poison the wells of their enemies with a fungus called rye ergot. The fungus would cause convulsions if ingested.
At the end of the 1700s, people dreamed of a society without crime. And then the dream evaporated. Crime was too useful to dream of anything as dangerous as a society without crime.
One person is killed through the attacks.
LA Police are collecting detainees' social media information.
Information hazards are risks that arise from the dissemination or potential dissemination of true information that may cause harm or enable some agent to cause harm.
Berty's idea was to store his moonshine in a couple of churns on the kitchen porch. If they were raided, whoever saw the agents first would yell "Raid" and whoever could get to the porch would kick the churns over to dump the moonshine.
Technologies for monitoring and modifying human behavior might advance on several fronts such as ubiquitous surveillance systems, automated face and voice recognition software, effective lie detection, psychopharmacology, genetic engineering or neural implants.
[...] But the living system is just the reverse, evolution of living things and development of society are always from simple to complex, from low-level to high-level and the system becomes more orderly.
From the smell it would be obvious what had been done, but no pint, no arrest. As I said, everyone had a churn or two in or near the kitchen, so to a casual visitor, the churns would arouse no suspicion. Things have sure changed in my lifetime.
I think it can hear us. Is that what happens after the end?
Watching the watchers? The aftermath of dragon king events? Or is the future tense gone forever, Heisenberg defeated and the open complex giant system determined?
Not with a bang but with a whisper.
All possible views about humanity's future are wild.
The textual virus exposes the principle of incompleteness, the basic deficiency underlying the published object. It lodges itself in the most explicit notices, the plainest practical information -address, contact, etc.- with a view to precipitating the community that it lacks, the still virtual community of its genuine readers. It thus places the reader in a position where his/her withdrawal is no longer tenable, or in any case can no longer be neutral.
Suppose what you are is nothing but an electromagnetic firestorm inside your brain. Isn't there a certain beauty to that?
All situations where we find ourselves engaged, carry in their equivalence the infinitely repeated remark of an irrevocable "as if". We collaborate in the maintenance of a society as if we were not of it, we conceive the world as if we did not occupy a fixed position in it and continue to grow old as if we had to stay young forever. In a word: We live as if we were already dead.
One kiss is all it takes..
By what year will humans go extinct or first have a population below 5,000?
..Falling in love with me..
What looks like decay to a historian who is focused on records / palaces left by oppressive rulers, may have looked like liberation to the average person of the time.
In conclusion of this discussion, we need to point out that the meta-synthetic engineering method from the qualitative to the quantitative referred here is not only the sole feasible method for dealing with studying open complex giant system, but also can be used to deal with millions of mass's individual opinions, congressmen's suggestions and motions and experts' views, and even decisions of individual leaders thus attaining really the goal of 'making a mickle with many a little'. Its significance is far above the progress and development of science and technology.
App.: This is the first part of a bricolage of textual fragments I have encountered during a period of research. Ordering them in this way is tells an intertextual story of pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will. I am aware of the potential pitfalls of EA art, poetry and literature. But there are good arguments for creative stimuli starting and catalysing certain cognitive processes. We humans are storytellers.