Let's hang out and get to know each other in the community! We will have several rounds of 1:1 or small group chats to hear what other Data Scientists are interested in and make new connections in the community.
Let's hang out and get to know each other in the community! We will have several rounds of 1:1 or small group chats to hear what other Data Scientists are interested in and make new connections in the community.
Unfortunately there were some technical difficulties with the Zoom link. Thanks for those who found the new room. Also keep the conversation going on our slack channel - https://join.slack.com/share/enQtNzAyMjc2MTYzNTUyMS01NTg3MmVjODc3ZDk4ZTlkNzg3ZmMyNmE0NTc3ZjdjMWJiMWI0ODliOTJkYTYyOWNmNDhkZWU5NGIyMTVhYWEw (expires in 14 days).
I'm getting an error from the zoom link. Please use this room instead: https://meet.google.com/avh-vdvw-wub