The Effective Altruism Wiki (henceforth, the Wiki) is an attempt to build an online encyclopedia of effective altruism.
The Wiki can be edited by anyone with an EA Forum account. New articles are reviewed by a team of admins.
Tags are labels that can be attached to posts, and that help us organize the Forum content. Adopting a clever innovation introduced by LessWrong, we allow Wiki articles to also serve as tags, and vice versa. Thus, clicking on a tag not only generates a list of all posts sharing that tag, but also displays the contents of the corresponding Wiki article. Extending the tag system in this way allows us to better integrate the Wiki with the Forum.
EA content currently exists scattered in countless blog posts, forum articles, scholarly papers and even social media threads. We believe that there is considerable value in presenting all this content in summary form and organized systematically in a single location.
This helps those new to effective altruism familiarize themselves with its core ideas, and allows experienced EAs to find additional publications on a topic of interest. It also contributes to making EA concepts more notable and recognizable; makes this content more easily discoverable on search engines; and facilitates its inclusion in other reference works, such as Wikipedia or the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
If you think you may be a good fit for it, you should consider contributing to the EA Wiki.
The easiest way for you to become involved is by looking at the list of entries in need of work. These entries are flagged with a number of 'TODO' flags, which tell you what sort of action is required. You can also flag entries yourself, if you notice that the entry is in need of a particular type of improvement.
Don't worry—it's pretty simple. Here's some basic guidance:
You can see examples of articles that conform to these standards here and here, and learn more by consulting our Style Guide.
Here is a list of entries organized thematically, followed by a list in alphabetical order list. The former is not fully exhaustive; we are currently in the process of updating it.
See the Recent Tag & Wiki activity section of the Wiki dashboard. It shows any Wiki edits and comments, sorted in reverse chronological order, and omits any other activity from the Forum.
At the moment, anyone can add new articles, though only admins can delete them. Wiki policies were drafted by the admin team and are periodically revised in response to feedback from contributors. Currently, the admins have the final say on all decisions related to the Wiki, though in the future we hope to explore other resolution mechanisms for Wiki disputes, and other governance structures for the Wiki.