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I am going to write this, except actually taking extra time on it (and I read the spoiler, sorry lol)

I would agree, this is in line with the most important question (or the main question we as humans have) of "What should I be doing".

It's a good framework to really look at life, see the highest path, and ask "what is stopping me?"

Hope other people reply. Feel like every EA should write this article when they join, and then update it along the way as they learn more.

My question: how can I test this idea for impact? 
There is no easy way to measure shift in cultural change, which is not to say its not one of the most important categories there is. 

Are there some low-cost ways for me to test out my theory of change and decide if this idea is worth pursuing?
"If we could get some funding from Open Philanthropy, we could pitch a show about humanity's long-term future (check out HaydnBelfield's post on ideas for such a project)"

You can actually get funded by Netflix, or Prime Studios for creating the show. Often its best if you create a pilot, which would also be the method to get the showed funded by Open Philanthropy, or by anyone else who may be moved by the pilot. 

Religion would likely be considered an info safeguard in the past. 
I think the best info safeguard would be one that made someone commit to altruism, it would be interesting to know what the optimal flow to that mindset is. 

Or what information/video is best for it. 

That, I would consider the best infosafeguard 

Starting an EA Buddhist monastery is something I would donate to, and move to. Granted I can bring a couple of videographers and make it truly fractal


Many people realize that our WORLD is on a path that may lead to extinction. Many people thus do “THEIR PART” in making the change necessary to help. They become vegetarian to decrease greenhouse gases, buy an electric car, recycle, start composting, etc etc. All these minute changes, they say, if added up, will make the difference. Its possible, I mean theres a non-zero chance that these actions will make that change.

But if you think about time spent, versus change made, you have a linear amount of change over time that amounts to a tiny, tiny drop in the bucket.

What you and others are now finding is the knowledge to create greater change than a drop. To make the same time spent, far more effective.