
688 karmaJoined


Talk to me about cost benefit analysis !


I'm not sure either I don't mean to sound confident. Read the comment below this one about suffering hours

A lot of the advice for young EA's is reasonably targeted at folks much more impressive than I am, for good reasons I think

Assuming you have, but still probably worth skimming the earn to give sections of 80k/probably good and looking at their job boards. 

Hard to say more without knowing your interests and how "mediocre" you are. You can sign up for career coaching with 80k and/or probably good. Also, it could be useful to reach out to other ea students studying math at other universities and talk to them. can query link below by career stage.

Are there estimates for the different per animal unit suffering from animal consumption in different countries (holding animal constant)? 

The strongest case for Trump is that the Democrat establishment is systematically deceiving the American people (e.g. via the years-long cover-up of Biden's mental state, strong partisan bias in mainstream media, and extensive censorship campaigns), engaging in lawfare against political opponents (e.g. against Elon and Trump), and generally growing the power of unaccountable bureaucracies over all aspects of life (including bureaucracies which do a lot of harm, like the FDA, FTC, EPA etc).

Bureaucracy point seems potentially reasonable to me, although hard to say if that exactly equates to less/more democratic or just worse domestic situation. 

The cover up of bidens mental state is "highly undemocratic"? that would be not in the top 1000 least democratic things trump/republicans have done in the last 8 years. 

Need to work through the entire chain of effects here but I think (granted that a wild animal is a moral patient), crushing it for a near instant death is probably just about the least painful way it can die.

Just to be clear a high percentage of them being eaten alive is an update towards their lives being better, not worse. 

What do people think about posting urban planning/yimby/ local gov policy thoughts on the forum? 

I find that stuff really interesting and admittedly don't believe it is the most important stuff to work on but is "effective altruism" if you have an extremely local moral circle.

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