David N

62 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Berlin, Deutschland


  • Attended more than three meetings with a local EA group


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Hi Niklas, sorry for not responding! I somehow did not get any notification about this. Glad you found as anyway :)

Thank you all for joining, I hope you enjoyed it as well! My delay getting home was less severe than on the way to Atopia but still a lot more than 1 minute and today there were white patches on the grass close to the S-Bahn ^^

A couple of random points connected to yesterday's discussion. I would be glad to hear your thoughts:

  • For me the best thing I learned yesterday was how beneficial it can actually be to discuss a question, based on the probability different people assign to a certain outcome. I hadn't realised this before.

  • Here is an article about probabilistic reasoning that Isa and I discussed during preparation as well, maybe you'll find it as interesting as we did: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/BWLAzZEA5K7HPr2CL/probabilities-prioritization-and-bayesian-mindset

  • And, last point: I have a question. Is anyone aware of any good research on the topic of how well humans perform when making decisions on guessed probabilities in complex cenarios where the whole state space is (other than in a game scenario) not known to anyone.

This happened ages ago, but I finally had the time to finish a post I started after discussing possible income distributions at this event. Maybe some of you remember this discussion and find this text  interesting.

Good point, thanks! I removed it - maybe a bit late...

Hi all, I've removed the date and time, since I'll move this event to September, I'll post the new date ASAP!

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Thanks for joining and for the good discussion! I hope everyone who did not join for the restaurant got home safely without getting soaked! The next Food for Thought will be at the 18. July (topic TBD) https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/events/Wcjs2D9PGAMEC3ybF/food-for-thought-14-tbd

Thank y'all for joining tonight! The next Food for Thought will be on the 30st of May where we'll discuss wild animal suffering. If weather permits we'll finally be outdoors again in the park! https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/events/L86jYHpcLADcxFHbL/food-for-thought-12-wild-animal-suffering

Thank you all for joining and for the good discussions! After a lot of theoretical topics, the next food for thought will be about a very practical thing: "How to give effectively" hope to see you there. The event is here, we'll add more details soon: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/events/ZyzhF9HdDq3iGCtQT/food-for-thought-11-how-to-give-effectively

The next food for thought will happen at the 22nd February. The topic will be the procreation asymmetry. For more information and RSVP: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/events/KijHWNKrkwPNDSg6N/food-for-thought-9-the-asymmetry

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