Felix Wolf 🔸

Project manager @ NABU Brandenburg
263 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)



Working in environment education in Germany.

Anonymous feedback here:


Topic contributions

The Giving What We Can Pledge is a public commitment to donate at least 10% of your lifetime income [...].

You do not need to donate 10 % each year, you can donate 5 % one year and more on the others.

The pledge you took is still significant, you can be proud about taking and promoting it.

Thanks for the update. From what I have skimmed it looks really polished. I shared it with my local group. :)

Hi Janika,

welcome to the EA Forum.

Can you send me a link to some music you produced? Always interested in listening to new stuff. :)

Maybe the people of Artists of Impact have similar experiences.

What is your exposure of Effective Altruism and what are you interested in atm?

[Address removed by moderators.]

I also was not able to find it directly on the website.

You can have a look into the Shrimp Welfare Project (SWP), a new EA organization created through the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program 2021.

Andrés Jimenez Zorilla was also on the how I learned to love shrimp podcast.


Hi Claudia,
welcome to the EA Forum. :)

There are EA ops groups:
EA Operations Slack for those who are currently working at EA orgs already, or their Facebook group Effective Altruism Operations.

At the EAGx Berlin 2023 we had an operations meetup, I can ask if you want to connect with some of the organizer.

Here is also the Effective Altruism Singapore local chapter.

Good luck with your career path.

Hi Jordan,
welcome to the EA Forum. :)

@Ekaterina_Ilin studies stars and exoplanets at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam. Maybe this connection can help you with your research.

This topic was discussed yesterday in the EA Germany Slack, starting with this article and asking if there is a website which lists all companies in Germany who match donations:

Why Workplace Giving Matters for Nonprofits + Companies

Some companies use external service providers for their matching. We can look at their clients to gain more information who matches donations.

Matching Gift Software Vendors: The Comprehensive List

With some examples:

Could be a first step.

Hi Alyssa,

welcome to the EA Forum. :) This post could also have been a Quick Take or a post in this open thread as a starting point.

This serves well as your introduction, and I am glad you wrote it. Your post could already make someone curious if their company maybe too participates in matching donations and gives an incentive to search for opportunities on a small scale level.

To get the proposed public list going, it could help to make a separate post going more into detail on which actions to take and a more detailed sketch of the first plan (does not need to be perfect!).

Perhaps someone else has thought about this idea too, and we can brainstorm here a bit.

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