Fernando Moreno 🔸

127 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)SĂŁo Paulo, SP, Brasil


  • Completed the Introductory EA Virtual Program
  • Completed the Precipice Reading Group
  • Attended more than three meetings with a local EA group


I am very happy to see how much ImpulsoGov has grown. Do you have any interest in directing EA Brazil community members to job roles, internships or volunteer work?

Meu amor Olha só hoje o sol não apareceu É o fim Da aventura humana na Terra Meu planeta adeus Fugiremos nós dois na arca de Noé Mas olha bem meu amor O final da odisseia terrestre Sou Adão e você será... Di-di-di-di-di-diz Minha pequena Eva (Eva) O nosso amor na última astronave (Eva) Além do infinito eu vou voar Sozinho com você E voando bem alto (Eva) Me abraça pelo espaço de um instante (Eva) Me cobre com o teu corpo e me dá A força pra viver

I wonder why "technological stagnation" isn't a topic already. Is there a way to recommend it to moderators?

There is an internet economic outreach group in Brazil that I am pleased to participate and financially support called Mainstream Economics (Economia Mainstream): https://economiamainstream.com.br

Particularly, I think that this project could have an important impact given the strength (and the damage) caused by economic ideas that deviate from the economic mainstream in Latin America and in Brazil, in particular.


I translated a small excerpt from the group's presentation text (which can be read in Brazilian-Portuguese here: https://economiamainstream.com.br/artigo/o-que-e-o-projeto-economia-mainstream/)


1. Our goal

Our goal is to disseminate knowledge about economics as much as possible. More specifically, knowledge about mainstream economics, that is, the economics that are taught in the most relevant teaching and research centers and that serve as a framework for most scientific articles published in the major journals.

We want, through our content, to contribute to the propagation and expansion of economic knowledge. For this reason, our content is aimed at both the lay public and those who already have a certain knowledge of the subject.


1.1. Why do we have this goal?

First, for the simple fact that we love scientific dissemination for its own sake, for the pure and simple pleasure of talking about economics.

Second, because we believe that the lack of economic knowledge has generated disastrous results in Brazil. Throughout history, our country has suffered from preposterous economic plans and unsustainable political promises. The result of this is the permanent poverty in which we live, enormous inequality, a completely disorganized institutional environment, a lack of commitment to the future, and, ultimately, the erosion of the social fabric in which we find ourselves today.

We are aware that at this moment we are small players in the construction of the change we aspire to. But as much as our influence at this time is marginal, our ambition is gigantic.


4. Our future projects

We have projects that are either just in the field of ideas or in the embryonic stage or in the development stage. Some of these projects are:

“Microeconomics Project”: teaching the fundamentals of microeconomics (we want to write texts along the lines of this one).

“Programming Project”: teaching programming fundamentals to economists in R and Python languages.

Short videos for Youtube: make animations of short videos for our Youtube channel teaching some economics concepts.

Courses: organize courses such as finance, programming, etc.

Book: publish a book with a collection of articles – whether modified articles already posted on our website or completely new articles.

Another great initiative in trying to make the Forum more friendly. Congrats!

 I'm from Brazil, SĂŁo Paulo. Joined EA community in Dec 2016. Trying my best to help the community grow well.


"Open Phil has made roughly 300 grants totalling almost $200 million in their near-termist, human-centric focus areas of criminal justice reform, *immigration policy*"

I think immigration policy may be an exception for the 1,000x bar reasoning since you are pretty much helping people who now live in poor countries (although not necessarily the poorest and also probably with a middles-class selection bias - the ones who can actually afford to leave).

Huh...It made me think if we should have some kind of GiveDirectly for Immigration (FlyDirectly?) where the poorest from the most remote villages would get selected to a visa or something.



The view from Brazil: 

We have a high influential academic establishment that cultivates marxists and outdated nationalist-industrialist approaches to economics. They pass down those "traditions" (religions?) to the younger students generation. The Washington Consensus liberalizing reforms are usually called by the derogatory neoliberal epithet and serious investigation of its impact or even actually what was originally proposed is never transmitted to students.

Maybe our academics and students should hear more about Effective Altruism. Or maybe they should also hear more about our friends at the Neoliberal Project. I'm an activist in both movements and trying my best to change some of that but good luck for me on that! =)

(In any case, here is our website for the Portuguese-speaking members out there: neoliberais.com, and if you are from Brazil and want to help with Neoliberal Project or EA drop me a line)

Economic policies is a highly political subject and since "politics is the mind-killer" this is probably why few EAs want to explicitly interfere with this. Maybe there should be some indirect support and this kind of “labor division”. For example, EAs could be stimulated to join their local Neoliberal Project chapters but keep it as two separate groups, with different meeting days, etc.

Great work Angela! Congrats!


On “5.Cons” I would have added info hazard.


Not the main topic of this piece but I wanted to comment on that: I agree that violence/security has become too much of a "right-wing issue" and that this is a problem for solving the problem. However, I think this also derives from the almost absent problem of violence in 1st world countries. Both you and I are from Latin America and we know how much of a issue this is in here. The rule-of-law is the most basic precondition so that people may have some stability in life and therefore social development. However, I cannot remember if I ever saw that debated in EA circles. I will therefore use this opportunity to leave this link to a TEDTalk by Gary Haugen from International Justice Mission: https://www.ted.com/talks/gary_haugen_the_hidden_reason_for_poverty_the_world_needs_to_address_now

If I understood you correctly it seems that the closest thing that you are looking for is microfinance, i.e., you borrow the poor money and they (in theory) prosper and even return the money to you, with an interest. However, microfinance don't seem to be very effective. Here is GiveWell analysis on it https://www.givewell.org/international/economic-empowerment/microfinance

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