
Community liaison @ Centre for Effective Altruism
12452 karmaJoined Boston, MA, USAjuliawise.net



I'm one of the contact people for the effective altruism community. I work at CEA as a community liaison, trying to support the EA community in addressing problems and being a healthy and welcoming community.

Please feel free to contact me at julia.wise@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.

Besides effective altruism, I'm interested in folk dance and trying to keep up with my three children.


2023 project on reforms in EA


Topic contributions

>emails to those accepted to the EAGxAustralia 2023 conference but who did attend
Was this meant to say "did not attend"?

Just a note that as an American then-Quaker, I went to a "Right Sharing of World Resources" event in 2006. This post is correct that there wasn't an emphasis on effectiveness, but on frugality and solidarity with the global poor. 
My understanding is that there wasn't any direct connection between these Quaker efforts and the early effective giving projects that became part of EA.

Hi Emrik,
I wanted to flag the outside view is that stopping all communication with other people seems like a very bad idea. If I understand right from your link, Maria is a spirit-animal rather than another person in the usual sense of the word. 

My best guess is that isolation will not improve your ability to help others, but will create a complete echo chamber that won't be good for your wellbeing or your ability to help others.

(I think there can be some variations on this that make sense. Like I have a family member who can only write science fiction when he's been away from people for several days, so for a long time he structured his life to be pretty isolated in order to write books. But he was still in touch with friends and family at intervals.)

It sounds like you're in a difficult place, and I really hope you're able to find other people you trust to help you work out how you want to approach things. 
[Edited a bit since I think my tone was off, thanks quila for identifying some of that]

My impression is that Jaan Tallinn's interest in rationalit- and EA-related projects, going back a long time, was one factor in Estonia.

My experience is that it's more possible to avoid current conflicts of interest, but as people work in the same ecosystem they often have multiple interactions in different contexts over time. I'd want people to keep in mind that the person in their group now may later end up being their colleague, funder, etc. To me, this is still a reason to seriously consider mental health resources outside the community.

Thanks for your post on quick ways to test suitability for bio work!

A post by the former Alvea folks, in case it helps you get in touch with them.

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