Milli | Martin

Contractor @ METR | Community Builder
201 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Gesundbrunnen, Berlin, Germany



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Last update: 2024-04-28

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  • I can talk to you about being a freelancer in Germany (recommended!).
  • I can tell you about Berlin and Germany.
  • I know plenty of board games.
  • I can tell you about the LessWrong community.
  • I can offer you a space to couch-surf in Berlin (as long as my wife agrees).


Minor correction, it's Alternative für Deutschland.

I don't know much about painkillers in LMICs, but in my understanding the US prescribes many more opioids than other western countries (like Germany, where I'm from). So this idea/problem might be specific to the US.

@mincho: How does Suzetrigine compare to existing non-opioid painkillers?

For anyone interested in how to go from research to large-scale production, there recently was an article about that in Works in Progress:

Update: We'll be joining forces with the Qualia Research Institute, who are in Berlin this week:

I think we'll get along great and there's a big overlap. Scott:

The Qualia Research Institute is doing absolutely picture-perfect mad science.

Just an info, nothing actually changes!

I think it would still make sense to add it because I assume many people (like me) will add it manually anyway, giving you more free-text to analyze. :)

Why is there no "Science" as default option under "Do you watch YouTube videos on any of these broad topics?"? 

Good catch! This series used to have a registration form, but this event is open. "Enable RSVPs" is not checked, that's why you can't "join" here on the forum.

Do the rules of P4A allow GiveWell? I remember it being unclear last year whether funds / regrantors were eligible.

Thanks for sharing!

Are the numbers comparable to GiveWell, or is one of them more conservative? One data point could be Malaria. Is the Benefit-to-cost ratio GiveWell calculates for e.g. AMF around 48 as well?


Paper: Benefits and Costs of Scaling up Coverage and Use of Insecticide Treated Nets.

Benefit-to-cost ratio: 48.


>Scale up coverage of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets coverage to 10 percentage points above the 2019 level. Use of chlorfenapir to offset insecticide resistance and social and behavioral change communication to increase the usage including hang-up campaigns.

I assume and (ChatGPT agrees) that it's the tedious, unglamorous, and labor-intensive work. It probably comes from the Germany "schleppen" which is "heavy lifting".

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