
Research @ MIT FutureTech/Ready Research
3403 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Sydney NSW, Australia



Researcher at MIT FutureTech helping with research, communication and operations and leading the AI Risk Repository. Doing what I consider to be 'fractional movement building'. 

Previously a behavior change researcher at BehaviourWorks Australia at Monash University and helping with development a course on EA at the University of Queensland.

Co-founder and team member at Ready Research.

Former movement builder for the i) UNSW, Sydney, Australia, ii) Sydney, Australia, and iii) Ireland, EA groups.

Marketing Lead for the 2019 EAGx Australia conference.

Founder and former lead for the EA Behavioral Science Newsletter.

See my LinkedIn profile for more of my work.

Leave (anonymous) feedback here.


A proposed approach for AI safety movement building


Topic contributions

Thanks for your work on this and in the past Luke and Greg! I've also signed the letter. I hope it has a positive impact going forward.

Yeah, it still seems to have some issues. To fix something, I tried to disconnect then reconnect the sync, and it has not worked since then.  Currently talking to support. But very excited about a future when this works!

I think it would be useful, and believe that it doesn't exist. I'd use the resource, and I know several others who also would. Especially, if it was slides and transcripts from good talks. Have you talked to the people behind This could be something they could support/host.

Thank you for this. I only skimmed it, and even that felt unpleasant given the implications. The main thing I wanted to ask is your view on the ethics of eating bivalves? I'm curious because you've clearly given a lot of thought to animal suffering.

This is extremely relevant for me as I have been thinking a lot about when to start making more serious donations. I discussed some previous blockers here which haven't been resolved. I am therefore considering commissioning some research (ideally with others).

Broadly I'm interested in better understanding the 'donators dilemma': if you give money now, you forego the later opportunity to 'give better' due to having improved information, and to 'give more' due to passive income. Also to benefit from increased financial security that might enable you to have more direct impact (e.g., by taking a lower paid role that has higher impact, or starting a new initiative). 

I want somebody to systematically review the literature for to capture the different arguments and trade-offs for giving now versus later. Then to create some sort of accessible decision-making tool or process that people like me can use to decide on an appropriate threshold or strategy to have WRT to giving now versus later.

If anyone is also interested in funding this or knows some existing tools, then please let me know.

I like this idea, but wonder if CEA or another organization should take the lead on running something like this? Making donations to other people or informal groups is interpersonally and logistically complicated. For instance, people will often refuse a donation if offered it (or when their bank account is requested), and taking money from a person may feel like an obligation, or be misinterpreted. It could work better if they instead donate money to an org who allocates it for a person and contacts them to receive it (and donates it if they don't accept). That organization could also have a database of credible people/groups doing work and a general donation option for people who just want to fund movement building of a certain type.

More generally, I'd like to see more effort to proactively identify and fund people who are doing good movement/community building work. Examples: Talent scout type roles at CEA and some sort of community scan (e.g., a question in the annual community survey and post conferences about anyone who was exceptionally helpful) or input process (e.g., a form where you can notify CEA that someone was particularly helpful in a relevant way). 

This could also help address certain oversights. For instance, in my experience, someone can have a lot of positive impact in many regional areas without getting noticed or appropriately supported, which can significantly reduce their impact. Catherine Low and Luke Freeman were once examples of such people. 

Ok, I plan to share the PDF, so let me know when it is good to go!

Thanks! Do you want this shared more widely? 

Note that I estimate that putting these findings on a reasonably nice website (I generally use Webflow) with some nice interactive embedded (Flourish is free to use and very functional at the free tier) would take between 12-48 hours of work. You could probably reuse a lot of the work in the future if you do future waves.

I am also wondering if someone should do a review/meta-analysis to aggregate public perception of AI and other risks? There are now many surveys and different results, so people would probably value a synthesis. 

I am curious to better understand why people disagree here.

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