Said Bouziane

Suicide Prevention Trainer and Supervisor @ Lifeline Australia
10 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Brisbane QLD, Australia


I share lessons from thousands of hours of suicide counselling calls so you can better connect to the people in your life. Listening skills can save lives. I believe CPR for the soul will be normal one day, let's bring that day closer. 

How others can help me

I'm looking for people building an online presence. If you're interested in marketing, growing a library of content around your obsession, writing or producing content to help make the world brighter, more connected or more warm, let's chat!

How I can help others

I'm working with mentors to build a network of impact driven entrepreneurs, movers and shakers in Australia, happy to share my experience writing email sequences, blogging, creating thumbnails and videos, surviving and thriving in corporate bureaucracy. 


Thank you, I found the thoughts on incentives really interesting, you write with enough clarity to reveal the truth of what you're talking about with psychological safety. That level of directness about strengths and capacity... it reads lightly on the page but in my experience such discussions can be so silent their absence weighs so heavily. 

This looks like a really cool project, how's it going? Is there an update or log somewhere? 

I have some suggestions I hope this is welcome here and received in the spirit it's given. I like the idea of For Futures and it seems to me like there should be way better discussion around it. 

Receiving the news that the hub was shutting down is the reason I finally came here and looked around properly. 

Glad I did.

Hi everyone, I'm 32 and pretty lucky in that I have a career which fits my exact personal childhood wounds getting to work in suicide prevention. As you can imagine I use the word 'lucky' with more than a little tongue in my cheek. 

That said I'm very much wanting to have a greater impact than the one my job allows, as I've heard it put: your job won't pay you what you're worth it'll pay you what the role is worth. I love the impact that I get to make but... if I could do it without the paperwork and admin oh boy would I ever lmao. 

To that end I have a blog where I can write and spread my good cheer without needing permission. I share insights from my career, lived experience and industry experts so you can make the world more inviting for those on the fringes, basically. 

People like me, people like my mum who lives with voices.

I'm keen to network with others who are writing, blogging / making content trying to make a difference. Especially people interested in creating businesses, services, digital products and the like in order to maximise good. Double especially people in Australia. 

I feel like this place is exactly what I desperately needed about 20 years ago, thank you to all of you who've made it what it is! I hope to contribute. I'd love to get more involved in my local EA Chapter but have very little big bursts of time available, so this forum feels like the perfect way to meet in the middle. 

I'm keen to meet you!

I like this post. I think I'll try and do this much more often here as an experiment. 

I mean, I'm active in many places online... as a lurker. But if I'm going to practice spreading positive good this is probably a great place to practice. 

Did the thing, thank you Aaron. 

I like this suggestion, I feel like the big solution we need to find in order to implement something like this really successfully is to increase tolerance for discomfort and disagreement. 

I see dialogue shut down far too quickly in intellectual space. 

I heard once that the old philosophers in Greece needed to state one another's position well enough that the the person they debated with actually agreed 'yes you understand my position, I have nothing to add'. 

Only after that did debate take place. 

Not sure if this is true or not but the spirit of the anecdote feels like it's really missing from most media and discussion out there in the mainstream. 

What ways could interdisciplinary cross-pollination be more cultivated?