
9 karmaJoined Pursuing a doctoral degree (e.g. PhD)


Community Nutrition Researcher

Background in Food Chemistry and Dairy Science

How others can help me

I am looking to finish my PhD then transition into a research role at a university.

How I can help others

Survey design, stata/spss analysis, protein chemistry



My name is Aeneas, I currently in the middle of doing a PhD in Community Nutrition. Specifically looking at  ways to improve food environments (Grocery stores, Convenience stores). My Master's was in Plant Protein Chemistry and my undergrad in Dairy Chemistry. Trying to pivot more into a public facing role with the intention of eventually researching animal/veg*n perceptions/barriers at maybe a university. Hoping to hear more about the work everyone does, potential collaborations and ways to improve my own.

Have a grand day!

This is incredibly exciting, currently finishing a PhD in Community Nutrition, focused on grocery store interventions. The examination of the food analogs and how they are perceived will be interesting. Would love to touch base about future experiments