Intra-Africa trade is currently between 15% - 18%. Trade liberalisation with the AfCFTA is expected to reduce costs, boost product variety and set the stage for increasing returns to trade.
Capturing these returns will require staying true to the fundamental principles of competition and the rule of law. Our speakers, Poorva Karkaare and Leonard Wantchekon, are well acquainted with the latest developments in the region.
Poorva Karkare is a Policy Officer at the European Centre for Development Policy Management. Her recent work on the AfCFTA is on regional value chains discusses how other non-tariff barriers like politics, high costs of logistics and complex rules of origin can affect the implementation of the agreement.
Leonard Wantchekon is a Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University. He is also the Founder and President of African School of Economics. His works on Africa centre around institutions, rule of law and the political economy.
Ronke Bankole is the Convener of EA Lagos.
I'm looking forward to the event!
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