Have a cause area you'd like to research? Article you'd like to read? Talk you'd like to watch? Problem you'd like tackle? Or maybe just some odds and ends on your to-do list? Start the week off right with EA Philly and EA Anywhere's "Study Hall", a weekly virtual coworking session for all your EA-related and non-EA-related work.
Inspired by focusmate.com, EA Study Hall is a virtual coworking session in which participants can utilize the magic of social accountability to help maximize their productivity. We provide the Zoom call, you provide the agenda.
Here's how it works:
- Participants log into the Zoom with an idea of what they'd like to work on for the duration of the session.
- Post your session goals in the Zoom chat or briefly discuss them with other participants (1-5 sentences max).
- 5 MINUTES IN: Mute yourself! -- This is a distraction-free, (verbal) discussion-free environment for the rest of the session.
- As you work through your tasks, feel free to update others in the chat on your progress.
- Participants unmute themselves at the end and briefly chat about how they spent their time. Feel free to discuss any interesting or challenging things you found along the way -- Sharing of resources is HIGHLY encouraged.
- You're welcome to stick around for however long you'd like.
AddEvent: https://www.addevent.com/event/CY6896414