Hey friends, this is Jeffrey, that was a great meeting, I felt it was too short. I'll communicate more here or in Slack about creating a creative media clearinghouse/cooperative for EA...I even have a name: CAMA - Cooperative for Altruistic Media Arts
Hi Jeffrey! I'm not sure people will see this comment unfortunately. I would suggest communicating about it in the slack. Perhaps you can share a write-up of your idea in the #feedback channel, and then later it could be turned into a forum post!
Join here: https://meet.google.com/xpk-netd-evm
Hey friends, this is Jeffrey, that was a great meeting, I felt it was too short. I'll communicate more here or in Slack about creating a creative media clearinghouse/cooperative for EA...I even have a name: CAMA - Cooperative for Altruistic Media Arts
Hi Jeffrey! I'm not sure people will see this comment unfortunately. I would suggest communicating about it in the slack. Perhaps you can share a write-up of your idea in the #feedback channel, and then later it could be turned into a forum post!