One natural way to get more talent into EA organizations is to offer internships. Internships require only short-term commitment, and people can be much more exploratory about where they intern than about where they accept full-time jobs. Given that, I want to hear from people in EA organizations: what are the most important considerations in deciding whether or not to offer an internship? And why do so few EA organizations offer internships?
I am most familiar with the case of GHD, where no organizations regularly offer internships other than OP itself. The EA internships board has a number of interesting opportunities, but only some of them are in EA organizations.
Thanks for the helpful answer!
Can you elaborate on why it's not realistic for small organizations? It seems like a small organization could use an internship as a lead-in for a full time role, too. You can get a clearer signal about whether someone is a good fit for a full time job without committing to hire them upfront.
Worth noting that a number of 1DaySooner research projects I worked on or ran have paid some undergraduates, grad students, and medical school students for supervised work on research projects, which is effectively very similar to a paid internship - but as you mentioned, it's very hard to do so outside a well scoped project.