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Discussion article for the meetup : Cookie Bank with EA Melbourne

WHEN: 13 September 2014 03:30:00PM (+1000)

WHERE: Melbourne, Australia

It’s been a long, philosophical winter: for Effective Altruism Melbourne, the months of June, July and August were filled with moral philosophy discussions with Peter Singer and Nick Beckstead. Important stuff - but now it’s time for something more light-hearted.

EA Melbourne is hosting its first Cookie Bank.

How does it work? You come along, bring $10, and eat freshly baked cookies. The money gets donated to one of GiveWell’s top charities (we can argue about which one), but the point of the afternoon is to give us a chance to hang out and get to know each other.

Everyone is welcome! If you’ve never been to an EA Melbourne event, this is the perfect chance to come along, tell us your story, and talk about how to save the world.

Vegan cookies will be provided, please let us know if you have other dietary requirements. Also let us know if you’d like to bring something yourself!

RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/782066461836383/

Discussion article for the meetup : Cookie Bank with EA Melbourne





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