What's the deal? Are EAs in Aukland actually, seriously, in their right mind supporting a terrorist organization, or is it just a coincidence that set up shop side by side?
What's the deal? Are EAs in Aukland actually, seriously, in their right mind supporting a terrorist organization, or is it just a coincidence that set up shop side by side?
This seems very likely to be a coincidence. This appears to be a freshers fair, where different university societies try to recruit new students at the university. Freshers fairs in the UK (and I would imagine it may be similar in New Zealand) generally have lots of different societies trying to appeal to new students. Societies that have nothing to do with each other often have these stalls set up next to each other, and in this case I think it's very likely that the Palestinian society and the Effective Altruism society stalls were coincidentally next to each other.