Hi all!
I have just published an article on EA called 'Charity vs Revolution: Effective Altruism and the Systemic Change Objection'.
I re-state the systemic change objection in more charitable terms than one often sees and offer an epistemic critique of EA as well as somewhat more speculative critique of charity in general.
Some of you might find it interesting!
A pre-print is here: https://goo.gl/51AUDe
And the final, pay-walled version is here: https://link.springer.com/arti…/10.1007%2Fs10677-019-09979-5
Comments, critiques and complaints very welcome!
And a much delayed response...
It is actually 'prima facie obvious' to some people that philanthropic do-gooders - those who 'aim at making the world better' through individualised charity are not actually having a positive impact. This kind of critique of charity and philanthropy is much older than EA.
So maybe everyone will agree with the thin claim that people who try to make the world better in some way will usually have more positive impact than those who don't try. But this has no implications for charity vs politics or anything else - it seems to be no more than the truism that its good to care about goodness. Though I guess some consequentialists would quibble with that too.
I did indeed cherry pick some provocative issues to put in the article, but this was to illustrate the complexity of the issues rather than just to score cheap points.
And you may well be right that I don't get it, as I am not steeped in decision theory or Bayesian methods. So maybe the point is better put this way: EAs do indeed have this prior assumption that charity is good and a charitable movement is a good movement. But plenty of people quite justifiably have the opposite prior - that charity is mostly bad and that a charitable movement does more harm than good by slowing down and distracting from necessary change. If so, EA and its critics are in the same position - and so its not reasonable for EAs to chide their critics for somehow not caring about doing good or adopting anti-charity positions because it makes them sound cool to their radical friends.